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Первый авторMoskvich
АннотацияThis paper analyzes the global challenges and possible responses to them. Explores New coping mechanisms to global change such as “яexible consciousness “, “soft skills”, “soft cooperation”, “soft competition”, “soft power” to resolve the existing global problems are considered. The nature of innovation process and the importance of “soft power”, promoting its creation are analyzed. The formation process of an innovative society as the basis for a new global soft power, preventing the negative effects of non-linear accelerated development of the world is investigated.
Moskvich, Y.N. Diverse “Soft Power” of the Changing World: Mission and Evolution / Y.N. Moskvich // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 147-154 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447686 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1667-1674 ~ ~ ~ УДК 141.201:316.324 Diverse “Soft Power” of the Changing World: Mission and Evolution Yuri N. Moskvich* Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafi ev 89 Ada Lebedeva Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Received 11.03.2015, received in revised form 12.05.2015, accepted 04.06.2015 This paper analyzes the global challenges and possible responses to them. <...> Explores New coping mechanisms to global change such as “fl exible consciousness “, “soft skills”, “soft cooperation”, “soft competition”, “soft power” to resolve the existing global problems are considered. <...> The nature of innovation process and the importance of “soft power”, promoting its creation are analyzed. <...> The formation process of an innovative society as the basis for a new global soft power, preventing the negative effects of non-linear accelerated development of the world is investigated. <...> Keywords: picture of the world, global crises, fl exible consciousness, innovative waves, soft skills, “soft power” in the economy and politics. <...> Introduction Global changes taking place in last decades have drastically changed the world around us, shifting us step by step with our minds, stereotypes and common form of communication. <...> They are important not only for understanding of causes and results of global problems but also for their solution performance. <...> Current paradigm of “hard mind” is explained historically within stable live environment. <...> In the era of global changes it does Yuri N. Moskvich. <...> In practise, this paradigm provokes many crisis phenomena overcome by high-demand innovations and changes. <...> As we see it, they are related to both the world wave of crisis phenomenon in different spheres of people’s activity (from geopolitics to “new economy”) and emerging role of “soft mind” technologies in actual innovations development. <...> Soft power of production and correction of innovation results Basically, changes accompanying in traditional societies radical any innovation are rejected and even rare. <...> Sets of “hard power” which control people’s behaviour politically and institutionally are recognized as dominant factors of living. <...> It is something of a drive for social progress of the mankind, but in theory it <...>