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Первый авторKrasilnikova
АннотацияInternationalisation is currently among the key objectives of higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide, particularly in the Bologna signatory states. Measures which are being introduced at the international and national levels with the purpose to promote internationalisation differ in their scope and application depending on the context. The paper covers the issues related to the development of both internationalisation at home and internationalisation abroad. A few examples of good practices in fostering internationalisation are also provided. Since internationalisation is considered to be beneёcial for a large number of stakeholders, many assessment tools are currently being developed and implemented to measure it. The paper provides a brief overview of the existing assessment tools as well as the analysis of two European methods used to evaluate internationalisation.
Krasilnikova, N.V. Managing Internationalisation of Higher Education: Strategic Planning and Assessment / N.V. Krasilnikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 115-121 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447682 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1635-1641 ~ ~ ~ УДК 378.1 Managing Internationalisation of Higher Education: Strategic Planning and Assessment Nadezhda V. Krasilnikova* Mari State University 1 Lenin Sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russia Received 20.08.2014, received in revised form 28.12.2014, accepted 15.05.2015 Internationalisation is currently among the key objectives of higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide, particularly in the Bologna signatory states. <...> Since internationalisation is considered to be benefi cial for a large number of stakeholders, many assessment tools are currently being developed and implemented to measure it. <...> The paper provides a brief overview of the existing assessment tools as well as the analysis of two European methods used to evaluate internationalisation. <...> Introduction to be benefi cial for all in higher Internationalisation is currently considered stakeholders involved aim to education. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: krasilnikovanv@gmail.com # 1635 # (HEIs) are encouraged to develop and implement internationalisation strategies to meet the needs of various stakeholders including HEIs themselves. <...> Since internationalisation plays a in mainstream role Students, higher faculty, education all stakeholders call for accountability and quality assurance. researchers, management of HEIs, employers as well as national and international authorities want to make sure that internationalisation strategies are implemented effectively and effi ciently, Nadezhda V. Krasilnikova. <...> Managing Internationalisation of Higher Education: Strategic Planning and Assessment as well as benefi cial for all the parties. <...> There are a large number of other researchers (J. Hudzik, E. Jones, U. Teichler, B. Wдchter, M. van der Wende, H. de Wit, and many others) addressing internationalisation issues in their papers. provides a defi nition J. Hudzik (2012: 3) of comprehensive internationalisation, which is “a commitment, confi rmed through action, to infuse international is “the incorporation of an international and intercultural dimension into the content of the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning arrangements and support services of a program of study” (Leask, 2009: 209). <...> An internationalised curriculum is regarded to be “a curriculum which gives international and intercultural knowledge and abilities, aimed at preparing students for performing (professionally, socially, emotionally) in an international and multicultural context <...>