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Первый авторTsytskun
АннотацияThe article studies the problems of efёciency of economic education in the globalized world. The author focuses on the most pronounced tendencies that characterize the speciёcity of reforms in the system of economic education in modern Russia. The main directions of improving the efёciency of those ёelds of the humanities, which create the conditions for economic modernization, are discussed.
Tsytskun, TatianaS. On the Issue of the Efёciency of Economic Education in the Globalized World / TatianaS. Tsytskun // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 261-267 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446366 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The author focuses on the most pronounced tendencies that characterize the specifi city of reforms in the system of economic education in modern Russia. <...> The main directions of improving the effi ciency of those fi elds of the humanities, which create the conditions for economic modernization, are discussed. <...> Keywords: economic education, effi ciency, economic viability, globalized world, globalization processes, transnational sector of economics. <...> The relevance of studying the challenges and peculiarities of modern economic education with consideration of information technology is that the results of socio-philosophical analysis can be used as a general theoretical framework for applied research with direct practical relevance. <...> Globalization process in the 21st in the polarized world, century occurs in terms of economic opportunities and economic potential, largely due to the imperfect system of economic education, which lags far behind the world’s needs. <...> First, problems of the population depends not only on the specifi c economic reality, but also on the methodology of its study, which in today’s global world is set at the level of educational sphere. © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: nvrsk@mail.ru # 1283 # Second, globalization processes in the fi eld of education that occur in the contemporary world, can be seen as part of a long historical transition from the era of internationalization of economic life to the formation of transnational human community. <...> Third, education and economy in the globalized world are not only fundamental social institutions, but also a special form of social consciousness with a powerful integration basis. <...> Synthesizing the leading concepts of economic education in the academic literature, and taking into account the phenomena brought to life by globalization, we can say that global economic education has the following features: • the emergence of economy, independent of fi nancial and monetary system, with a the global fi nancial the global Tatiana S. Tsytskun. <...> On the Issue of the Effi ciency of Economic Education in the Globalized World decisive impact on the state and structure of economic education; • the transnational sector of economy not only binds advanced management systems by means of up-to-date communications technology, but also brings to life new epistemological mechanisms that will be most in demand, particularly in economic education; • global economic <...>