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Первый авторKudashovand
АвторыBurtasova NataliaS.
АннотацияThe system of social management of the mass consciousness cannot ignore the importance of the “cultural” component of the society. With the formation of the “society of knowledge” and the growing inяuence of global trends of development, we observe an inevitable increase of the signiёcance of the problems associated with the cognitive aspects of culture in the processes of creation and use of various social management technologies. For optimal management of the mass consciousness we need specially organized activities related to the sacralisation of values leading to the establishment of social integrity. The dialectical process of sacralisation – desacralisation of basic values and ideals should be seen as an attribute of social management of the mass consciousness. In the depths of the unconscious of a modern human the religion and mythology are “hidden” as the compensation of his “irreligion” determining ways of his existence and, thus, creating the integrity of the human soul. Sociocentric religions in their secular variations are necessary to control the mass consciousness, so we need specially planned and organized social activities related to the sacralisation of basic sociocentric values.
Kudashovand, ViacheslavI. Sacralisation of Ideals and Values in Management of the Mass Consciousness / ViacheslavI. Kudashovand, NataliaS. Burtasova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 193-203 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446324 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2015 8) 1011-1021 ~ ~ ~ УДК 161.225 Sacralisation of Ideals and Values in Management of the Mass Consciousness Viacheslav I. Kudashova and Natalia S. Burtasovab aSiberian Federal University * 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia b Received 05.11.2014, received in revised form 02.02.2015, accepted 12.03.2015 The system of social management of the mass consciousness cannot ignore the importance of the “cultural” component of the society. <...> With the formation of the “society of knowledge” and the growing infl uence of global trends of development, we observe an inevitable increase of the signifi cance of the problems associated with the cognitive aspects of culture in the processes of creation and use of various social management technologies. <...> For optimal management of the mass consciousness we need specially organized activities related to the sacralisation of values leading to the establishment of social integrity. <...> The dialectical process of sacralisation – desacralisation of basic values and ideals should be seen as an attribute of social management of the mass consciousness. <...> In the depths of the unconscious of a modern human the religion and mythology are “hidden” as the compensation of his “irreligion” determining ways of his existence and, thus, creating the integrity of the human soul. <...> Sociocentric religions in their secular variations are necessary to control the mass consciousness, so we need specially planned and organized social activities related to the sacralisation of basic sociocentric values. <...> Keywords: sacralisation, desacralisation, values and ideals of culture, social management of mass consciousness. <...> Therefore, the most important principle of correction of models of the mass consciousness management is the idea of unity and complementarity of © Siberian Federal University. <...> It is a particular type of culture that sets the strategic direction to the development of models of social management of the mass consciousness. * Corresponding author E-mail address: vkudashov@mail.ru, burtasova@mail.ru # 1011 # Siberian State Technological University Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Viacheslav I. Kudashov and Natalia S. Burtasova. <...> Given the social and cultural conditioning of content of the social management of the mass consciousness, the history of management theories can be viewed as a process of formation, strengthening, crisis and change of the dominant ideal that is born in the depths of culture and receives establishment in ethical and philosophical-anthropological systems. <...> With the formation of knowledge” and the growing infl uence of global <...>