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Первый авторPoluyan
АннотацияThe article puts forward a new ontology of the Time of Nature based on the following statements: 1) there is a multitude that we call “Time”; 2) this multitude consists of an inёnite number of individual elements that we call “Instants”; 3) all the elements of the given multitude have a following feature: if one element is REAL, all the other elements of the multitude are UNREAL; 4) we shall call the multitudes of such type “AREAL MULTITUDES.” It was discovered that the elementary areal ratio is a logical law of contradiction: A and NON-A form together an areal multitude of two elements. In other words, if A is real, NON-A is unreal, but we see that this NON-A does not disappear, because without it, A is logically impossible. Nevertheless, if A exists, NON-A does not exist in reality. Thus, NON-A exists only as a possibility, it is “areal.” Formulating the law of contradiction, Aristotle, and all the logicians after him, constantly underlined the fact that A and NON-A cannot be in the same ratio at the same time. We would like to rearrange accents: in our formulation AREALITY is a particular logical ratio that simulates the Time of Nature. An inёnite multitude of instants of Time is an areal multitude, because reality of the Present instant makes all the other instants of this inёnite multitude unreal. We determine that the inёnite areal multitude is also the multitude of normalizations of the numerical axis and suggest it as a model of Time. The new model determines the Time order as a symbolic sequence where the instants are the symbols of normalizations represented as unequal, actual inёnitesimals. This approach allows us to detect periodization related to the mathematical constant e (Euler’s number) on the inёnite multitude of Time. The given unconventional conclusion is indicative of appropriateness of the proposed model.
Poluyan, PavelV. New Understanding of Time Based on the Concept of Areal Multitudes1 / PavelV. Poluyan // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 121-134 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446316 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2015 8) 939-952 ~ ~ ~ УДК 115 New Understanding of Time Based on the Concept of Areal Multitudes1 Pavel V. Poluyan* “Eniseygeofi zika” JSC 66 Leningradskaya Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660034, Russia Received 20.12.2014, received in revised form 06.02.2015, accepted 22.03.2015 The article puts forward a new ontology of the Time of Nature based on the following statements: 1) there is a multitude that we call “Time”; 2) this multitude consists of an infi nite number of individual elements that we call “Instants”; 3) all the elements of the given multitude have a following feature: if one element is REAL, all the other elements of the multitude are UNREAL; 4) we shall call the multitudes of such type “AREAL MULTITUDES.” It was discovered that the elementary areal ratio is a logical law of contradiction: A and NON-A form together an areal multitude of two elements. <...> In other words, if A is real, NON-A is unreal, but we see that this NON-A does not disappear, because without it, A is logically impossible. <...> Nevertheless, if A exists, NON-A does not exist in reality. <...> Thus, NON-A exists only as a possibility, it is “areal.” Formulating the law of contradiction, Aristotle, and all the logicians after him, constantly underlined the fact that A and NON-A cannot be in the same ratio at the same time. <...> An infi nite multitude of instants of Time is an areal multitude, because reality of the Present instant makes all the other instants of this infi nite multitude unreal. <...> We determine that the infi nite areal multitude is also the multitude of normalizations of the numerical axis and suggest it as a model of Time. <...> The new model determines the Time order as a symbolic sequence where the instants are the symbols of normalizations represented as unequal, actual infi nitesimals. <...> This approach allows us to detect periodization related to the mathematical constant e (Euler’s number) on the infi nite multitude of Time. <...> Introduction and Statement of the problem Augustine of Hippo was probably cunning when he said that he intuitively comprehended Time, but could not put it into words (“Confessions”, Book XI <...>