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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №5 2015

Economic Crisis and Health Care Delivery System: a Study of Private Health Care Delivery in Port Harcourt, Nigeria (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMathias Bentina Alawari
АвторыAmasiatu AthanasiusN.
АннотацияThis paper examines the current economic crisis in Nigeria and its impact on private medical business using Port Harcourt City as a case study. It took a brief look at the Nigerian economic crisis as well as the relationship between the economic crisis and health care delivery system. A brief survey of the economic activities of the study area is made so as to adequately situate the study and facilitate the understanding of the social, economic and political conditions that have given so much prominence to private practices in Port Harcourt. It also attempts to trace the origin of private health care delivery system in Nigeria in general and Port Harcourt in particular as well as discuss the impact it had made. Finally, it gave some suggestions on how to improve the health care delivery system.
Mathias, B.A. Economic Crisis and Health Care Delivery System: a Study of Private Health Care Delivery in Port Harcourt, Nigeria / B.A. Mathias, AthanasiusN. Amasiatu // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 4-12 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446305 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2015 8) 822-830 ~ ~ ~ УДК 614.2(669) Economic Crisis and Health Care Delivery System: a Study of Private Health Care Delivery in Port Harcourt, Nigeria Bentina Alawari Mathiasa * and Athanasius N. Amasiatub a b Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria University of Port Harcourt Choba, Nigeria Received 20.01.2015, received in revised form 14.03.2015, accepted 21.04.2015 This paper examines the current economic crisis in Nigeria and its impact on private medical business using Port Harcourt City as a case study. <...> It took a brief look at the Nigerian economic crisis as well as the relationship between the economic crisis and health care delivery system. <...> A brief survey of the economic activities of the study area is made so as to adequately situate the study and facilitate the understanding of the social, economic and political conditions that have given so much prominence to private practices in Port Harcourt. <...> It also attempts to trace the origin of private health care delivery system in Nigeria in general and Port Harcourt in particular as well as discuss the impact it had made. <...> A crisis situation sets in when the human and natural resources are not effectively combined or when the proceeds from the combination are controlled by only a few. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: mathiasbentina@gmail.com, bentinad1@yahoo.com # 822 # manifest in the society through unemployment, underemployment, hunger, poverty, diseases, poor housing, and rural-urban migration, poor medical services, low standard of education, bad roads, poor water supply, increasing number of destitute on the streets, scarcity of essential goods such as drugs and medicament, poor sanitation, social apathy, lack of the will and initiative to make changes for better and such likes (Igwe 1992, Tamuno 1998). <...> In order to survive this crisis situation, the society devices mean of coping with it. <...> In the health sector, which is the focus of this paper, economic crisis Bentina Alawari Mathias and Athanasius N. Amasiatu. <...> Nigeria’s recent governments (Shagari, 1979–1985, Babangida 1985–1993, Abacha 1993–1998, Abubakar 1998–1999, Obasanjo 1999–2008 <...>