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Первый авторLogunova
АннотацияThe article focuses on the problems of formation of the intelligentsia as a subject of social action. The author comes to the conclusion that the roots of the intelligentsia in Russia dates back to the ёrst Russian princes who strove to form Russian statehood and Russian spiritual tradition, serving a super personal idea and the interests of universal prosperity.
Logunova, GalinaV. On the Origin of Formation of the Intelligentsia as a Subject of Social Action In Russia / GalinaV. Logunova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 255-258 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446303 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 805-808 ~ ~ ~ УДК 94(470+571):316.34 On the Origin of Formation of the Intelligentsia as a Subject of Social Action In Russia Galina V. Logunova* Irkutsk State University 1 Karl Marx Str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russia Received 13.01.2015, received in revised form 22.02.2015, accepted 22.03.2015 The article focuses on the problems of formation of the intelligentsia as a subject of social action. <...> The author comes to the conclusion that the roots of the intelligentsia in Russia dates back to the fi rst Russian princes who strove to form Russian statehood and Russian spiritual tradition, serving a super personal idea and the interests of universal prosperity. <...> Therefore, one can speak of the intelligentsia of the Old world and Antiquity (Vozilov 2009), and, hence, of the intelligentsia of Kievan Rus’ (land of the Rus). <...> This concept of intelligence will be further based upon as a methodological means to analyze the statehood of Kievan Rus’, as we believe that the dawn of the intelligentsia started long before the XIX century. <...> In 882 Prince Oleg marched to Kiev, implementing the idea to unite ancient lands. <...> On the Origin of Formation of the Intelligentsia as a Subject of Social Action In Russia he fraudulently killed its Varangian warlords Askold and Dir and conquered the neighbors (the Drevlyans, the Severians, the Radimichs). <...> Still, the idea to unite the Russian land was worth it. <...> Many Russian princes (from Oleg to, probably, Dmitry Donskoy) considered this idea to be the meaning of life, the service of truth. <...> Alexander Nevsky was also a prominent person whose aim was to unite Rus’, overcome intestine confrontation, opposing it to a different, hostile world, and save Russian spiritual culture. <...> N.M. Karamzin mentions that Alexander Nevsky loved his homeland more than the honour of being the prince and despised personal danger no less than vanity. <...> It is these qualities that apparently helped him to choose the most appropriate ways of behavior in relation to the German-Swedish invaders, with whom he relentlessly struggled, and a more fl exible policy in respect of Mongolian khans posing a real danger to the Russian lands. <...> Such dominant of behaviour, formulated by Alexander Nevsky, as altruistic patriotism determined the principles of the state ideology for centuries ahead. <...> Traditions of alliance with the peoples <...>