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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №4 2015

Formation of Ethnic Identiy of the Indigenous Peoples of the North in Arts and Crafts on the Example of Bone Carving (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторLibakova
АвторыEkaterina A.
АннотацияA problem of forming ethnic identity is especially important for representatives of the indigenous peoples, as in the current climate of global transformations it is getting increasingly difёcult to maintain the uniqueness of traditional cultures under the inяuence of dominating ones. But at the same time within the culture itself there are many mechanisms, which help to build and maintain ethnic identity. One of such mechanisms is the arts and crafts. The basis for the analysis have been the works of the Krasnoyarsk Territory bone carvers. The authors of the paper open the possibility of this kind of art in the preservation of traditional cultural values, formation of ethnic identity of the indigenous peoples in modern times.
Libakova, NataliaM. Formation of Ethnic Identiy of the Indigenous Peoples of the North in Arts and Crafts on the Example of Bone Carving / NataliaM. Libakova, A. Ekaterina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 200-218 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446266 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 750-768 ~ ~ ~ УДК 304.444 Formation of Ethnic Identiy of the Indigenous Peoples of the North in Arts and Crafts on the Example of Bone Carving Natalia M. Libakova and Ekaterina A. Sertakova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 18.08.2014, received in revised form 25.10.2014, accepted 15.02.2015 A problem of forming ethnic identity is especially important for representatives of the indigenous peoples, as in the current climate of global transformations it is getting increasingly diffi cult to maintain the uniqueness of traditional cultures under the infl uence of dominating ones. <...> The authors of the paper open the possibility of this kind of art in the preservation of traditional cultural values, formation of ethnic identity of the indigenous peoples in modern times. <...> Keywords: indigenous peoples, indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, ethnic identity, culture studies, arts and crafts, bone carving. <...> Currently, the phenomenon of “identity” is studied in various areas of social and humanitarian sciences, primarily in the field of psychological, sociological, gender, culture and political science, ethnology, economics, and many others. <...> Researchers’ interest in the phenomenon of “identity” is due to its © Siberian Federal University. <...> The Method of Expert Interview as an Effective Research Procedure… 1. <...> Phenomenon of ethnic identity and mechanisms of its formation Ethnic identity is formed and defi ned by various ethnic and social dominants, which are acquired during personal socialization. <...> Belonging to a certain ethnic group is one of the facets of social identity. <...> Also, the study of ethnic identity is carried out within the framework of acculturation and cultural confl ict theory. <...> Ethnic identity can be understood as an aspect of acculturation, in which the main focus is on the person and how he/she interacts with his/her ethnic group, which is a part of society as a whole (Mikliaeva, Rumiantseva, 2008). <...> Cultural identity is seen as close to ethnic (Arinushkina, 2004). <...> Moreover, identity includes professional, social, linguistic, and this harmonious whole can not imply any dominant ethnic or national component. <...> Based on the theory produced by I.V. Malygina, D.G. Lavrinov’s research (2008: 24-25) refers to the study of ethnic <...>