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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №4 2015

The Bronze Bipartite Buckles in the Materials of the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторSenotrusova
АвторыMandryka PavelV.
АннотацияAt the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River, which was used in 11-14 centuries 26 bronze bipartite buckles were found. There are three main types among them: buckles with openwork circular, rhombic and solid round body. They have numerous analogies in the materials found between the rivers Ob, Irtysh and Angara. The round buckles with a solid body were found in the graves of all chronological groups of the burial, whereas the other types are typical for complexes of the 11-12 centuries. The buckles were cast according to a lost wax method, in one-piece clay forms. For three of the buckles X-ray яuorescence alloy analysis was conducted, which showed that they all were cast of lead-tin bronze. The quality of these pieces of jewelry in this category is relatively low; they have underёlled spaces, alloy overяows and metal deformation of the original shape.
Senotrusova, PolinaO. The Bronze Bipartite Buckles in the Materials of the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River / PolinaO. Senotrusova, PavelV. Mandryka // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 79-88 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446255 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 629-638 ~ ~ ~ УДК 902:39(571.1/5) The Bronze Bipartite Buckles in the Materials of the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River Polina O. Senotrusova and Pavel V. Mandryka* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 10.10.2014, received in revised form 21.11.2014, accepted 10.01.2015 At the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV in the Lower Angara River, which was used in 11-14 centuries 26 bronze bipartite buckles were found. <...> There are three main types among them: buckles with openwork circular, rhombic and solid round body. <...> The round buckles with a solid body were found in the graves of all chronological groups of the burial, whereas the other types are typical for complexes of the 11-12 centuries. <...> The buckles were cast according to a lost wax method, in one-piece clay forms. <...> For three of the buckles X-ray fl uorescence alloy analysis was conducted, which showed that they all were cast of lead-tin bronze. <...> The quality of these pieces of jewelry in this category is relatively low; they have underfi lled spaces, alloy overfl ows and metal deformation of the original shape. <...> Keywords: Lower Angara region, middle ages, medieval times, bipartite buckles, chronology, alloy composition, manufacturing technology. <...> Introduction The systematic studies of the medieval monuments of the Lower Angara region in recent years have collected an array of new data that has only recently been introduced in the scientifi c publications. <...> A prominent place among these materials belongs to the results of a study of the Burial Site Prospikhino Shivera-IV, which is located in the Lower Angara River, 1.5 km upstream from the mouth of the River Koda. 88 medieval burials were found at the monument; all of them had been performed by cremation © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: pmandryka@yandex.ru # 629 # ceremony on the side (Mandryka, Senotrusova, 2010; Mandryka, Senotrusova, Biriuleva 2011). <...> This paper discusses bronze bipartite buckles (26 items), constituting a representative series of jewelry and parts among the clothing and accessories found at the necropolis. <...> This allows to conduct morphological analysis of the buckles, highlight their types <...>

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