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Первый авторBaryshev
АвторыDenis N., Igor’ K.
АннотацияArchaeological expedition as a cultural phenomenon can be analyzed not only through the concept of “subculture” regarding its members, but also through the mechanism of its organization and functioning as a set of corporate (organizational) culture attributes. The use of this term reveals new possibilities for the analysis of this phenomenon functioning as a way to obtain new scientiёc information by the ёeld research methods as a total of interested people who promote these researches. Expedition, in this respect, has a unique mixture of speciёc behavior and value norms, traditions and customs, patterns of everyday life in all their diversity and participants’ ways of thinking that are often intentionally formed by the expedition leaders to ensure achievement of the ёeld work objectives. Use and perception of this methodological device can potentially allow forming the corporate culture of those expeditions where it has not been formed yet.
Baryshev, IvanS. Corporate (Organizational) Culture of Archaeological Expeditions / IvanS. Baryshev, N. Denis, K. Igor’ // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 19-23 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446248 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 569-573 ~ ~ ~ УДК 005.32:902 Corporate (Organizational) Culture of Archaeological Expeditions Ivan S. Baryshev*, Denis N. Masliuzhenko and Igor’ K. Novikov Kurgan State University 25, Gogol Str., Kurgan, 640669, Russia Received 17.11.2014, received in revised form 26.12.2014, accepted 18.01.2015 Archaeological expedition as a cultural phenomenon can be analyzed not only through the concept of “subculture” regarding its members, but also through the mechanism of its organization and functioning as a set of corporate (organizational) culture attributes. <...> Introduction Understanding the phenomenon of “archaeological expedition” has only recently interested both its active specialists, participants, i.e. archaeologists and external observers represented by cultural sociologists and other representatives of the humanities. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: 45gid@mail.ru # 569 # and with a certain degree of probability all the archaeological community that takes different part in the process of obtaining new knowledge through archaeological research might be subculture. <...> The authors of this study suggest to look at this cultural phenomenon as one of the corporate culture models, that is, as a certain kind of behavior, acquired by an organization in the process of adaptation to the external environment and internal integration, that has shown its effectiveness in terms of implementation of the main objectives of the organization and shared by the majority of its members [Asaul et al., 2006: 15a Ivan S. Baryshev, Denis N. Masliuzhenko… Corporate (Organizational) Culture of Archaeological Expeditions Lapel pin of the Kurgan archaeologists “Sachem”. <...> Discussion elements It is possible to emphasize the following in corporate culture: structures artifacts, proclaimed values and basic concepts. <...> In archaeological expeditions such everyday traditions as parade, evening bonfi re, dedication to archaeologists, etc., # 570 # it Ivan S. Baryshev, Denis N. Masliuzhenko… Corporate (Organizational) Culture of Archaeological Expeditions could be attributed to artifacts. <...> Basic concepts are the foundation of organization’s culture, which its members may not perceive and consider inviolable. <...> Basic concepts are established by ceremonial elements that are implicitly refl ected in artifacts and participants’ behavior. <...> The ideal and purpose of the corporate <...>