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Первый авторNaiko
АннотацияThe oratorio “The Song of the Forests” and the cantata “The Sun Shines over Our Motherland” were created by D. Shostakovich due to “social services commissioning”. In the verses by E. Dolmatovsky there is high concentration of clichйs endowed with the propagandistic function. In the same way that the ofёcial state language approves a set of speech patterns or clichйs, in music a special intonation vocabulary is formed. Its basis are typiёed musical momentum that model the speaker’s tone as well as some genre signs that reяect the spirit of the age, representing the ideological principles. In the both compositions Shostakovich used the complex of regulations that were enshrined in the national musical practice of intonation patterns of that period of time, marked by the communist ideology. At that, the elements of the genre model of march, fanfare formulas, etc. display the ability to function separately or in combination with the other elements of the genre models. Connection of the number of typiёed melodic, rhythmic and textural formulas with a certain range of values, ideas and images in their autonomy and mobility indicates their similarity with the rhetorical decorations – the rhetorical ёgures. The rhetorical ёgures, studied in the article differ in their genesis and immediacy of the emotional impact. With that, their joint moments are: communicative orientation and the ability to inяuence the minds of people, the task of formation of the feeling of belonging to a particular social community, the function of involvement of the audience in a general emotional state and infusion of a sense of pride. The method of composition, based on the principle of combining the elements of the propagandist-agitator’s phrase book, bears evidence of creative emancipation of the author and absence of clichйs in his consciousness.
Naiko, N.M. Clichйs of the Soviet Ideology in the Praising Compositions by D. Shostakovich / N.M. Naiko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №3 .— С. 52-66 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446081 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2015 8) 414-428 ~ ~ ~ УДК 781.5 Clichйs of the Soviet Ideology in the Praising Compositions by D. Shostakovich Natalya M. Naiko* Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theatre 22 Lenin Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Received 20.12.2014, received in revised form 15.01.2015, accepted 04.02.2015 The oratorio “The Song of the Forests” and the cantata “The Sun Shines over Our Motherland” were created by D. Shostakovich due to “social services commissioning”. <...> In the same way that the offi cial state language approves a set of speech patterns or clichйs, in music a special intonation vocabulary is formed. <...> Its basis are typifi ed musical momentum that model the speaker’s tone as well as some genre signs that refl ect the spirit of the age, representing the ideological principles. <...> In the both compositions Shostakovich used the complex of regulations that were enshrined in the national musical practice of intonation patterns of that period of time, marked by the communist ideology. <...> At that, the elements of the genre model of march, fanfare formulas, etc. display the ability to function separately or in combination with the other elements of the genre models. <...> Connection of the number of typifi ed melodic, rhythmic and textural formulas with a certain range of values, ideas and images in their autonomy and mobility indicates their similarity with the rhetorical decorations – the rhetorical fi gures. <...> The rhetorical fi gures, studied in the article differ in their genesis and immediacy of the emotional impact. <...> The method of composition, based on the principle of combining the elements of the propagandist-agitator’s phrase book, bears evidence of creative emancipation of the author and absence of clichйs in his consciousness. <...> Keywords: Shostakovich, oratorio “The Song of the Forests”, cantata “The Sun Shines over Our Motherland”, musical rhetorical fi gures of the Soviet Russia. <...> From the offi cial point of view that was expressed by T. Hrennikov in the © Siberian Federal University. <...> The authors of musical texts praising the motherland and the party leaders, fi nd an excuse musicological studies that appeared in the recent years, concerning Shostakovich’s Natalya M. Naiko. <...> Clichйs of the Soviet Ideology in the Praising Compositions by D. Shostakovich for the comments (with a hint of reproach and regret) regarding his creative Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich’s attitude to such <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически
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