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Прикладная эконометрика / Applied Econometrics  / №1 2013

Survey on statistical inferences in weakly-identified instrumental variable models (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMikusheva Anna
АннотацияThis paper provides a brief review of the current state of knowledge on the topic of weaklyidentified instrumental variable regression. We describe the essence of the problem of weak identification, possible methods for detecting it in applied work as well as methods robust to weak identification. Special attention is devoted to the question of hypothesis testing in the presence of weak identification.
Mikusheva, A. Survey on statistical inferences in weakly-identified instrumental variable models / A. Mikusheva // Прикладная эконометрика / Applied Econometrics .— 2013 .— №1 .— С. 117-131 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/437820 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Anna Mikusheva APPLIED ECONOMETRICS ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ЭКОНОМЕТРИКА № 29 (1) 2013 Anna Mikusheva in weakly-identified instrumental variable models This paper provides a brief review of the current state of knowledge on the topic of weaklyidentified instrumental variable regression. <...> We describe the essence of the problem of weak identification, possible methods for detecting it in applied work as well as methods robust to weak identification. <...> Introduction that is, correlated with the error term in the structural equation. <...> This arises in many practically relevant situations when the correlation between X and Y does not correctly reflect the causation from X to Y, because, for example, some variables that influence both X and Y are omitted from the regression, or because there is reverse causality from Y to X. The idea behind IV regression is to use some exogenous variables Z (that is, variables not correlated with the error term) to disentangle some part of the variation in X that is exogenous and to estimate the causal effect of this part on Y using classical methods. <...> The typical requirements for the validity of the IV regression are twofold: the instruments Z are I required to be exogenous (not correlated with the error term) and relevant. <...> As we will see below the problem of weak identification manifests itself when an IV estimator is very biased and when classical IV inferences are unreliable. <...> To fix the ideas let us assume that one wants to estimate and make inferences about a k1-dimensional coefficient b in the regression YX Weii ii bg  +  + where Xi p1-dimensional regressors Wi =, is a k1 regressor potentially correlated with the error term ei itself. <...> We assume that are exogenous and that the coefficient g is not of interest by and ei , the OLS estimator of coefficient b is biased and asymptotically inconsistent, while all statistical inferences using it, such as OLS confidence sets and OLS tests based on t-statistics provide coverage (size) that is asymptotically wrong. <...> Theory and methodology Теория и методология 117 nstrumental variable (IV) regression is a very popular way of estimating the causal effect of a potentially endogenous regressor X on variable Y. <...>