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Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Agricultural Biology  / №1 2013


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Первый авторMartirosyan
АвторыPolyakova M.N., Dilovarova T.A., Kosobryukhov A.A.
АннотацияThe authors investigated the effect of light-emitting diode irradiator with maximum in the region of red (λmax 6305 nm, 6605 nm) and blue (λmax 4505 nm, 4705 nm) light on growth processes and activity of photosynthetic apparatus in potato plants of the Nevskii early variety. It was made a conclusion, that application of light-emitting diode irradiators in controllable conditions of phytotron may be useful technique during potato growing subject to changes of spectrum composition in plant ontogenesis.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF POTATO PLANTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIFFERENT SPECTRAL IRRADIATION / Yu.Ts. Martirosyan [и др.] // Agricultural Biology .— 2013 .— №1 .— С. 31-33 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436680 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 635.21:581.132:581.174.1:535-1/-3 PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF POTATO PLANTS 1 All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, RAAS, Moscow 127422, Russia e-mail: yumart@yandex.ru IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIFFERENT SPECTRAL IRRADIATION Yu. <...> Ts. Martirosyan1, M.N. Polyakova1, T.A. Dilovarova1, A.A. Kosobryukhov1, 2 2 Institute of Fundamental Problems in Biology, RAS, Pushchino 142290, Moscow province, Russia e-mail: kosobr@rambler.ru Received April 9, 2012 S u m m a r y The authors investigated the effect of light-emitting diode irradiator with maximum in the region of red (λmax 6305 nm, 6605 nm) and blue (λmax 4505 nm, 4705 nm) light on growth processes and activity of photosynthetic apparatus in potato plants of the Nevskii early variety. <...> It was made a conclusion, that application of light-emitting diode irradiators in controllable conditions of phytotron may be useful technique during potato growing subject to changes of spectrum composition in plant ontogenesis. <...> In natural conditions of plant vegetation, daylight provides illumination of quite variable intensity and spectral composition. <...> Controlled environment with adjustable lightning allows setting the parameters required by a plan of experiment and provide an optimum light program for improved efficiency of plant growth. <...> Photoculture commonly uses different types of electric lamps (1). <...> For plants it is essential that light must include all visible spectral regions with prevailing red, green, blue, and violet rays, as well as a small proportion of ultraviolet and infrared light. <...> Currently, the most widely used lamps are high-pressure gas-discharge lamps – metal-halide lamps (MHL, maximum emission at 450 nm) and high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS, maximum emission at 590 nm) of 400 and 600 W (1, 2). <...> However, using gas-discharge lamps in plant growing is associated with significant energy expenditure and insufficient spectral properties of light emitters. <...> A possible solution of this problem is low-energy light-emitting diodes (LEDs). <...> LEDs can be used as supplement light sources, though they are expected to completely replace traditional lamps in photoculture (3, 4), especially in enclosed cultivation systems. <...> Today <...>