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Agricultural Biology  / №6 2012


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Первый авторSafronova
АвторыChizhevskaya E.P., Andronov E.E.
АннотацияThe study involved 16 strains of the Russian collection of agricultural microorganisms (RCAM) related to the genera Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Rhizobium, and Bradyrhizobium. The aim of the work was to develop a procedure of the genotypic certification of strains with AFLP-fingerprinting (amplified fragment length polymorphism), providing detection of nucleotide polymorphisms and small rearrangements. As a result the protocol of AFLP-fingerprinting, ranging from the isolation of DNA from microbial cells and ending with computer data processing is developed. It is shown that the method of AFLP-fingerprinting has a high specificity, resolution and reproducibility of results. This method can be used to obtain individual genetic passports of microorganisms deposited in the RCAM, in order to protect the copyright of the commercial strains.
Safronova, V.I. OPTIMIZATION OF THE AFLP-FINGERPRINTING METHOD FOR A MOLECULAR-GENETIC CERTIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL MICROORGANISMS / V.I. Safronova, E.P. Chizhevskaya, E.E. Andronov // Agricultural Biology .— 2012 .— №6 .— С. 33-36 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436673 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2012, № 6, p. 116-121 UDK 631/635:579.64:57.088 OPTIMIZATION OF THE AFLP-FINGERPRINTING METHOD FOR A MOLECULAR-GENETIC CERTIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL MICROORGANISMS V.I. Safronova, E.P. Chizhevskaya, E.E. Andronov All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, RAAS, St. Petersburg – Pushkin 196608, Russia e-mail: v.safronova@rambler.ru Received May 25, 2012 S umma r y The study involved 16 strains of the Russian collection of agricultural microorganisms (RCAM) related to the genera Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Rhizobium, and Bradyrhizobium. <...> The aim of the work was to develop a procedure of the genotypic certification of strains with AFLP-fingerprinting (amplified fragment length polymorphism), providing detection of nucleotide polymorphisms and small rearrangements. <...> As a result the protocol of AFLP-fingerprinting, ranging from the isolation of DNA from microbial cells and ending with computer data processing is developed. <...> It is shown that the method of AFLP-fingerprinting has a high specificity, resolution and reproducibility of results. <...> This method can be used to obtain individual genetic passports of microorganisms deposited in the RCAM, in order to protect the copyright of the commercial strains. <...> Scientific work on microbial culture collections involves many research programs, one of which is identification and certification of microbial cultures necessary for a safe use of microbial resources in biotechnology (including plant growing, animal husbandry, and food industry), and the copyright protection of commercial strains. <...> Today, such studies use the methods based on physiological and biochemical properties of bacterial strains and modern molecular genetic techniques, such as BOX, ERIC, REPPCR and AFLP-fingerprinting (1, 2). <...> Different variants of fingerprinting are based on the study of bacterial genomic DNA that can reveal their individual features important for documentation in strain-specific certificates. <...> AFLP-fingerprinting (amplified fragment length polymorphism) - one of the most promising methods for molecular genetic certification of microorganisms. <...> This method is based on the analysis of length polymorphism of restricted and amplified DNA fragments (3, 4). <...> High sensitivity of AFLP allows using it for identification of individual profiles of bacterial strains and distinguishing them within one species. <...> Previously, AFLPfingerprinting was successfully applied in studies of genetic differences between closely related strains of nodule bacteria belonging to different genera <...>