Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645695)
Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №4 2011


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Первый авторSalapateva Silviya
АвторыIliya Chetrokov, Vasil Georgiev
АннотацияThis paper represents a model for overall decrease of the inaccuracies forced by accidental and systematic factors during turning with CNC lathe. The presented method does not elaborates the sensor system of the machine. Through computer processing of the database and the information from the control of the work pieces and the processed detail, the control of the CNC system is executed.
Salapateva, S. INTELLIGENT COMPUTER CONTROL OF PRECISION AT TURNING / S. Salapateva, Chetrokov Iliya, Georgiev Vasil // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2011 .— №4 .— С. 128-131 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/434435 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 621.941.08:62-5 © Silviya Salapateva, Iliya Chetrokov, Vasil Georgiev INTELLIGENT COMPUTER CONTROL OF PRECISION AT TURNING This paper represents a model for overall decrease of the inaccuracies forced by accidental and systematic factors during turning with CNC lathe. <...> The presented method does not elaborates the sensor system of the machine. <...> Through computer processing of the database and the information from the control of the work pieces and the processed detail, the control of the CNC system is executed. <...> INTRODUCTION At the end of the 20th century the development of the scientific knowledge of the process of mechanical processing, of the information technologies, the computer technology and the metal-cutting machines has reached a level, giving an opportunity for a qualitatively new approach in controlling the process. <...> It is based on integrating the knowledge of the process, presented as a database, with the adaptive control (AdC) in real time on carrying out the processing also with an active control (AcC) following the operative control for completing the database and self-training of the system. <...> These modern systems became popular as “Intelligent computer control” [1, 2]. control with active control, without complicating the sensor system of the machine. <...> The system’s modules are: – a control module, including work pieces control before the proces sing and detai ls control after processing. <...> The work pieces control data is received in the adaptive control block, while the details control data – in the active control block; – a module for process realization, including the metal-cutting machine and the CNC system; – a computer control module, car rying out the creation of the control program and fulf illing the process control in communication with the CNC system. <...> This module combines algorithms for precision control according to the results of the details control after processing (active control after processing – ACAP) with algor ithms for adaptive control of precision (ACP) according to the results of the control of the work pieces which enter for processing. <...> It is based on a computer system, in which is created a database and is installed a specially developed software for carrying out adaptive control and active control, as well as for generating control programs and for communication with the CNC system. <...> Under these conditions, the statistical characteristics of the technological process should be determined dynamically in Fig. 1. <...> PRECONDITIONS AND MEANS FOR SOLVING THE PROBLEM The expansion of the application sphere of the CNC metal-cutting machines <...>