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Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics  / №6 2015

Business Informatics: characteristics, challenges and opportunities from a German perspective (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторStelzer
АннотацияThe study explores characteristics of the German academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik». It is based on a literature review of fourteen publications on the history of the discipline and on a comparison of research approaches of «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and the North-American sister discipline «Information systems». The study identifies four characteristics of the academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and derives six challenges and opportunities for the business informatics community worldwide.
Stelzer, D. Business Informatics: characteristics, challenges and opportunities from a German perspective / D. Stelzer // Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 33-49 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/428980 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

IT и образование Подготовка IT-специалистов IT and education Training IT specialists ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ИНФОРМАТИКА / JOURNAL OF APPLIED INFORMATICS Business Informatics: characteristics, challenges and opportunities from a German perspective The study explores characteristics of the German academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik». <...> It is based on a literature review of fourteen publications on the history of the discipline and on a comparison of research approaches of «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and the North-American sister discipline «Information systems». <...> The study identifies four characteristics of the academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik» and derives six challenges and opportunities for the business informatics community worldwide. <...> Keywords: Business Informatics, Wirtschaftsinformatik, information systems, academic discipline, history, research approaches, behavioral science, design science. <...> The purpose of business informatics1 is the development and application of theories, concepts, models, methods and tools for analyzing, designing, and using information systems in business settings. <...> Scholars in business informatics make use of findings from business administration and computer science (and sometimes economics) and extend this knowledge by specific findings [16, p. 2]. <...> Business informatics may be considered as a) a section or b) a sister discipline of the academic discipline information systems. «Information Systems (IS) is a scientific discipline with global reach that investigates the development, use, and impact of information and communication technologies (IT)» [23]2. 1 The term «business informatics» was selected as an analogy for the Russian label «Бизнес-информатика». <...> For a more detailed discussion of an apppropriate labeling of the academic discipline see section 2 of this study. 2 For a more detailed discussion of the relationship between the two scientific disciplines see section 5 of this study. <...> In recent years, several efforts have been made to compare the German academic discipline «Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)»3 with the North-American discipline information systems (IS)4 [e.g., 8; 30; 31; 38]. <...> WI, i.e., business informatics as it is practiced in German speaking countries, seems to be a scientific discipline «still under construction» [20, p. 322]. <...> Perceived challenges and opportunities, insights gained and experiences made in this community may also be helpful for colleagues in other parts of the world. 3 «Wirtschaftsinformatik» is the current German label for the academic discipline which is called «business informatics» in this article. <...> However <...>