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Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics  / №6 2015

Measuring and managing IT agility as a strategic resource — examining the IT application systems landscape (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторNissen
АвторыRennenkampff A.
АннотацияA company’s ability to change increasingly depends on the ability to change its IT, something referred to as «IT agility» here. High IT agility can contribute to increased business agility and thus create a competitive advantage. In this paper we look at which factors influence IT agility and how the IT agility can be increased. The main body of the paper, however, is devoted to the research question how IT agility can be measured and actively managed. Here, the focus is on the IT application systems landscape, a resource of significant importance for the IT agility and competitiveness of a company.
Nissen, V. Measuring and managing IT agility as a strategic resource — examining the IT application systems landscape / V. Nissen, A. Rennenkampff // Прикладная информатика / Journal of Applied Informatics .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 7-32 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/428979 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

IT-менеджмент Управление ресурсами IT management Resource management ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ИНФОРМАТИКА / JOURNAL OF APPLIED INFORMATICS Том 10. № 6 (60). 2015 V. Nissen, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, volker.nissen@tu-ilmenau.de A. von Rennenkampff, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, mail.alexx@gmail.com Measuring and managing IT agility as a strategic resource — examining the IT application systems landscape A company’s ability to change increasingly depends on the ability to change its IT, something referred to as «IT agility» here. <...> High IT agility can contribute to increased business agility and thus create a competitive advantage. <...> Here, the focus is on the IT application systems landscape, a resource of significant importance for the IT agility and competitiveness of a company. <...> Keywords: IT agility, IS architecture metrics, enterprise architecture management, IT value contribution, design science research. 1. <...> IT-менеджмент Управление ресурсами only with great delays; in extreme cases some requirements are infeasible. 2. <...> These changes almost At the same time, IT penetration of the core business processes in companies in recent decades has increased continuously. <...> In nine of the fourteen most frequently mentioned aspects change and the ability to change the IT plays a key role, such as in the topics «Business Process Improvement» and «Supporting Business Change». <...> Despite this high practical relevance Gronau states, from a scientific perspective, that the adaptability of the IT architecture is treated in business informatics only to a small degree. <...> No. 6 (60). 2015 ПРИКЛАДНАЯ ИНФОРМАТИКА / JOURNAL OF APPLIED INFORMATICS mainly on the IT organization and not on the IT architecture [25, p. 217]. <...> Thus, both IT agility as well as the management of the IT application systems landscape represent current and relevant topics of business informatics. 2. <...> From the problems described the following research question is derived: How can the agility of the IT application systems landscape as an important part of the IT agility of a company be measured and actively Corporate Strategy Layer Organizational and Process Layer Integration Layer Soſtware Layer Infrastructure Layer Fig. 1. <...> Layer model of the enterprise architecture (adapted from [72, p. 9]) and location of the architecture of the IT application systems landscape [ 6 ] IT <...>