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Agricultural Biology  / №5 2014


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Первый авторPriadkina
АвторыStasik O.O., Mikhalskaya L.N., Shvartau V.V.
АннотацияDevelopment of the indices for selection of high-yielding crops and the models, forecasting crop yields, necessitate the analysis of the relationship between photosynthetic traits and productivity. Chlorophyll photosynthetic potential, characterizing the total amount of chlorophyll in the aboveground parts of plants (or in leaves) per unit of ground surface area during the growing season or a certain period, under optimal weather conditions correlated most closely with yield (T.M. Shadchina et al., 2007; E. Kutasy et al., 2005). Modern global climate change may primarily affect the heatsensitive crops in particular winter wheat causing disruption in the relationship between photosynthetic traits and productivity. In field experiment, we examined the effects of increased air temperatures during the spring—summer growing season on indices of photosynthetic apparatus in the highyielding varieties of common winter wheat Smuhlyanka and Pereyaslavka on the different levels of mineral nutrition (without fertilizers and fertilizing in the fall and at different phases of the spring—summer vegetation in doses N90P60K60S10 and N120P90K90S20). Investigations were carried out in 2009 and 2011 with elevated air temperatures during the growing season at the experimental agricultural station of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev region).
A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHLOROPHYLL PHOTOSYNTHETIC POTENTIAL AND YIELD OF WINTER WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES / G.А. Priadkina [и др.] // Agricultural Biology .— 2014 .— №5 .— С. 64-70 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/428712 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

SEL’SKOKHOZYAISTVENNAYA BIOLOGIYA [AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGY], 2014, ¹ 5, pp. 88-95 UDC 633.1:581.132.1:58.056 ISSN 313-4836 (Online) Temperature: influence on photosynthesis and crop yield doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2014.5.88rus doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2014.5.88eng A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHLOROPHYLL PHOTOSYNTHETIC POTENTIAL AND YIELD OF WINTER WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES G.А. <...> PRIADKINA, O.O. STASIK, L.N. MIKHALSKAYA, V.V. SHVARTAU Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 31/17, Vasilkovskaya St., Kiev, 03022 Ukraine, e-mail pryadk@yandex.ru Received March 19, 2014 Abstract Development of the indices for selection of high-yielding crops and the models, forecasting crop yields, necessitate the analysis of the relationship between photosynthetic traits and productivity. <...> Chlorophyll photosynthetic potential, characterizing the total amount of chlorophyll in the aboveground parts of plants (or in leaves) per unit of ground surface area during the growing season or a certain period, under optimal weather conditions correlated most closely with yield (T.M. Shadchina et al., 2007; E. Kutasy et al., 2005). <...> Modern global climate change may primarily affect the heatsensitive crops in particular winter wheat causing disruption in the relationship between photosynthetic traits and productivity. <...> In field experiment, we examined the effects of increased air temperatures during the spring—summer growing season on indices of photosynthetic apparatus in the highyielding varieties of common winter wheat Smuhlyanka and Pereyaslavka on the different levels of mineral nutrition (without fertilizers and fertilizing in the fall and at different phases of the spring— summer vegetation in doses N90P60K60S10 and N120P90K90S20). <...> Investigations were carried out in 2009 and 2011 with elevated air temperatures during the growing season at the experimental agricultural station of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev region). <...> It was shown that such weather conditions led to a decrease in the chlorophyll content in the leaves, the size of crop surface and the duration of its operation, as well as grain yield. <...> In all cases (both at high level of mineral nutrition and without fertilizers) leaf surface area in 2009 was higher than under the corresponding treatments in 2011 at all studied vegetation phases. <...> Mineral fertilizers increased the leaf area index in both years by average 1.5-2.0 times (in Pereyaslavka at milk-wax ripeness phase it increased <...>