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Light and Engineering  / №1 2016


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Первый авторBystryantseva
АвторыYelena I., Nikolai V.
АннотацияThe article analyses current domestic issues in light design and prospects for the creation of the school of Russian light design, its strategy and tactics.
Bystryantseva, NatalyaV. THE DOMESTIC SCHOOL OF LIGHT DESIGN: STRATEGY AND TACTICS / NatalyaV. Bystryantseva, I. Yelena, V. Nikolai // Light and Engineering .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 22-24 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/427565 (дата обращения: 22.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Light & Engineering Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 21-23, 2016 Svetotekhnika No. 4, 2015, pp. 65-66 THE DOMESTIC SCHOOL OF LIGHT DESIGN: STRATEGY AND TACTICS Natalya V. Bystryantseva1, Yelena I. Lekus, Nikolai V. Matveev The Chair of Light Technologies and Optoelectronics of the St.-Petersburg ITMO UNIVERSITY 1 E-mail: shu2005@mail.ru ABSTRACT The article analyses current domestic issues in light design and prospects for the creation of the school of Russian light design, its strategy and tactics. <...> Keywords: light, light design, school of strategy and tactics, development comprehensive approach, light culture Designing the subject-spatial medium has a long history, which began with ancient civilisations and continues to this day, now showing changes in what people understand to be the role of light. <...> Traditionally, working with light was the domain of the architect, who acted simultaneously as an architect and a landscape architect and as a designer, which today we call the light designer. <...> The development of modern society, the formation of new social requirements, the quick growth of technologies and changing preferences in for the aesthetics of an environment have become the preconditions, which gradually transformed light design into a new interdisciplinary direction, which combines art, design, architecture and light engineering. <...> Integrating the image expressiveness and artistic composition methods, as well as the functional aesthetics of design objects, with the newest scientific and technical achievements in the fields of optics and engineering, light design today has become a major element of the visual culture. <...> The growing social interest to in light design, its significant role in the arrangement of public space 21 and its ability to influence public consciousness, transforms this direction into a separate culture area, in which “territorial“ solution to acute problems of modern society becomes possible. <...> So the dialectic nature of the light design and its integrating nature make it possible to address several contradictions: between aesthetic and art (design), simulation and world view architectonics (light culture), private and public (society and social institutions), authorship and public anonymity (subjective). <...> Considering the situation, which has developed in modern domestic (Russian) light design, the following characteristics are prevalent: • Despite high levels of activity in working <...>