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Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №3 2009


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Первый авторGyula Varga
АвторыIlles Dudas
АннотацияThe paper deals with how the holonic manufacturing systems can be applied for production of sophisticated surface pairs. We examined the hierarchic information relations of holonic manufacturing systems, which were adopted for the case of sophisticated surface pairs. We elaborated the production system suitable for production of sophisticated surface pairs (conical or cylindrical driving pairs). A central computer inspects the production system. One of the main tasks is done by the thread grinding controlling holon which contains not only the thread grinding machine but an intelligent measuring unit as well. The thread grinding machine is supplied with CNC grinding wheel truing equipment and controlling unit. The intelligent measuring unit by a CCD camera inspects the profile of the grinding wheel, which is used for final finishing machining of the product to be produced. This serves the data for operation of CNC grinding wheel-truing equipment as well. The other main part of the production system is the computer aided 3D measuring machine, which is used for checking the dimensions of the produced products. The physical assembly of the system is under construction. The paper contains, in details, those pieces of software that can be the base of those production systems, which can work in reality as well. By using of these programs as well we worked out a production system, which consists of holons (distributed intelligence). We revealed, in details, the informational relations (command control, direct control, and feedback) formed among holons create the manufacturing system. We introduce the process a so general case (conical worm driving) from which the other types can be originated.
Gyula, V. INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEM FOR ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY MANUFACTURING OF SOPHISTICATED SURFACE PAIRS / V. Gyula, Dudas Illes // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2009 .— №3 .— С. 41-46 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/424807 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 621.91.079 Gyula Varga, Illes Dudas INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEM FOR ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY MANUFACTURING OF SOPHISTICATED SURFACE PAIRS The paper deals with how the holonic manufacturing systems can be applied for production of sophisticated surface pairs. <...> We examined the hierarchic information relations of holonic manufacturing systems, which were adopted for the case of sophisticated surface pairs. <...> We elaborated the production system suitable for production of sophisticated surface pairs (conical or cylindrical driving pairs). <...> A central computer inspects the production system. <...> One of the main tasks is done by the thread grinding controlling holon which contains not only the thread grinding machine but an intelligent measuring unit as well. <...> The thread grinding machine is supplied with CNC grinding wheel truing equipment and controlling unit. <...> The intelligent measuring unit by a CCD camera inspects the profile of the grinding wheel, which is used for final finishing machining of the product to be produced. <...> This serves the data for operation of CNC grinding wheel-truing equipment as well. <...> The other main part of the production system is the computer aided 3D measuring machine, which is used for checking the dimensions of the produced products. <...> We revealed, in details, the informational relations (command control, direct control, and feedback) formed among holons create the manufacturing system. <...> We introduce the process a so general case (conical worm driving) from which the other types can be originated. <...> INTRODUCTION After the examination of the hierarchic information relations of holonic manufacturing systems, we have adapted for the case of sophisticated surface pairs. <...> A central computer inspects the production system. <...> One of the main tasks is done by the thread grinding controlling holon which contains not only the thread grinding machine but an intelligent measuring unit as well. <...> The intelligent measuring unit by a CCD camera inspects the profile of the grinding wheel, which is used for final finishing machining of the product to be produced. <...> The other main part of the production system is the computer aided 3D measuring machine, which is used for checking the dimensions of the produced products. 2. <...> Basics of Holonic Systems The increasing complexity of intelligent manufacturing systems <...>