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Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №1 2009


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Первый авторNikoli Vladimir
АннотацияExport of technology is one of the most complicated business projects. Positive results influence in many ways speeding up of the economic development. Timely determination of the model of organization of technology export will influence prediction of processes and diminishment of risks. Export of technology goes on for many years and envelopes in international business space. Presented model of organization is explained in fragments: establishment of strategy, shaping of technology into product and realization of transfer, in order to remove the problems of organization in time. Model of organization of technology export at the leader's headquarters secures preparation and coordination of business activities in space. By differentiation of clusters for technology export and formation of (development and business) incubators synergy of all participants in the transfer and directing of appropriate stimulating measures of state and its organs are provided.
Nikoli, V. MODEL OF ORGANIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY EXPORT – RESEARCHES IN SERBIAN ECONOMY / V. Nikoli // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2009 .— №1 .— С. 106-116 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/424765 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 334.02 Vladimir Nikoli MODEL OF ORGANIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY EXPORT – RESEARCHES IN SERBIAN ECONOMY Export of technology is one of the most complicated business projects. <...> Positive results influence in many ways speeding up of the economic development. <...> Export of technology goes on for many years and envelopes in international business space. <...> Presented model of organization is explained in fragments: establishment of strategy, shaping of technology into product and realization of transfer, in order to remove the problems of organization in time. <...> Model of organization of technology export at the leader's headquarters secures preparation and coordination of business activities in space. <...> By differentiation of clusters for technology export and formation of (development and business) incubators synergy of all participants in the transfer and directing of appropriate stimulating measures of state and its organs are provided. <...> INTRODUCTION Economic growth and equalization of balance of payments of states i.e., national economies represents necessity in contemporary society. <...> In the framework of economic sciences it is estimated that the minimal rate of economic growth is the one that is in the function of growth of working population. <...> Equilibrium of balance of payments assumes appropriate export of products. <...> It has been established that faster economic growth of those states which insist on intensifying export of products then of those which rely on export of their own riches. <...> Also, increase in rentability and productivity represent the condition of business subjects' survival on the global market. <...> It is in accordance with critical influence of time, as well as with the goals of business. <...> Experience of less and average developed countries (India, Latin America, and even SFR Yugoslavia) indicate that investments in technology export have multiple positive effects on economic development and improvement of foreign trade exchange. <...> Achieved results are also a result of emphasized role of states, which, by direct and indirect stimulus have encouraged business subject to export technologies. <...> Therefore, business on global market presumes also establishment and harmonization of economic growth strategy of the state and business operating strategies of business systems. <...> Through realization of technology export project possibility of gaining income is created on the basis of placement of own knowledge, abilities and skills. <...> Accepting decisions of industrially most developed countries, realization of more significant <...>