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Первый авторSavvina
АннотацияThe article analyses ethical problems of cloning of human beings. Today scientists have opportunity to clone animals and human embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and the author considers this technology and ethical problems generated by it. The author maintains that we must divide two types of cloning of human beings: therapeutic and reproductive. The therapeutic cloning does not generate any new ethical problems or dilemmas, but it exacerbates the problems which have already existed (moral status of human embryos, health care recourses distribution, etc.). Reproductive cloning of human beings will generate as absolutely new ethical problems so new scientific solutions.
Savvina, O.V. ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF CLONING HUMANS (SCNT) / O.V. Savvina // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Философия .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 117-121 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/415184 (дата обращения: 27.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ETHICAL PROBLEMS OF CLONING HUMANS (SCNT) O.V. Savvina Department of Ethics Faculty of humanities and social science Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklay str., 10a, Moscow, Russia, 117198 The article analyses ethical problems of cloning of human beings. <...> Today scientists have opportunity to clone animals and human embryos by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and the author considers this technology and ethical problems generated by it. <...> The author maintains that we must divide two types of cloning of human beings: therapeutic and reproductive. <...> The therapeutic cloning does not generate any new ethical problems or dilemmas, but it exacerbates the problems which have already existed (moral status of human embryos, health care recourses distribution, etc.). <...> Reproductive cloning of human beings will generate as absolutely new ethical problems so new scientific solutions. <...> Key words: somatic cell nuclear transfer, reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, moral status of embryos, cloned animals, bioethics. <...> Yan Wilmut, the British scientist, published the article in the Nature in 1997. <...> His scientific group cloned an animal, moreover, it was a mammal. <...> The first clone was the famous Dolly the sheep. <...> Yan Wilmut’s group made almost 300 attempts and only one of them was successful. <...> The results of the scientific group in the Roslin Institute have raised many ethical issues and have made a background for a new bioethical discourse. <...> There are too many ethical questions connected with the issue. <...> Will a clone have all the rights which we have? <...> Not so long ago Shoukhrat Mitalipov, the Russian emigrant in the USA, and his scientific group cloned a human embryo from an eight-month-old baby [2]. <...> Shoukhrat Mitalipov said that now there was no such danger: his group tried to clone a monkey for several years and only one embryo had been implanted successfully, but the embryo had stopped developing after 2 months [2]. <...> That is why we should consider the 115 Вестник РУДН, серия Философия, 2015, № 2 technology of SCNT and probable ethical issues of cloning <...>