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АннотацияBear F. Braumoeller (Ph. D., University of Michigan), Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Political Science of Ohio State University, is a leading American experts both in international relations, especially international security, and statistical methodology. His book-length systemic theory of international relations is a winner of the 2014 International Studies Association Best Book Award and the 2014 J. David Singer Book Award. In his interview he is talking about contemporary methods of applied research of international relations and its efficiency. As recent LaCour-Green scandal demonstrates, political science in general and international studies in particulary are becoming more about science. Dr. B. Braumoeller touches on the issue of efficient IR research methodology and speaks about the role of quantative methods in IR and especially about statistics. He speeks about the evolution of quantitative methodology in American IR science. Some decennies ago, a few pioneers in the field (David Singer, Bruce Russett, Karl Deutsch, Dina Zinnes) published their papers in fairly obscure journals and now the IR journals are dominated by quantitative studies. But for better quantitative studies, a better formal theory of IR is needed. He discusses also epistemological aspects of quantitative studies. Though the mainstream formal modeling in IR is traditionally associated with neorealist and neoliberal approaches, agent-based modeling (ABM) could be brought to bear very effectively on constructivist questions.
APPLIED ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN USA // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Международные отношения .— 2015 .— №3 .— С. 200-204 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/407679 (дата обращения: 04.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

APPLIED ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN USA INTERVIEW WITH PROFESSOR BEAR F. BRAUMOELLER, DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Bear F. Braumoeller (Ph. <...> D., University of Michigan), Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Political Science of Ohio State University, is a leading American experts both in international relations, especially international security, and statistical methodology. <...> His book-length systemic theory of international relations is a winner of the 2014 International Studies Association Best Book Award and the 2014 J. David Singer Book Award. <...> In his interview he is talking about contemporary methods of applied research of international relations and its efficiency. <...> As recent LaCour-Green scandal demonstrates, political science in general and international studies in particulary are becoming more about science. <...> He speeks about the evolution of quantitative methodology in American IR science. <...> Some decennies ago, a few pioneers in the field (David Singer, Bruce Russett, Karl Deutsch, Dina Zinnes) published their papers in fairly obscure journals and now the IR journals are dominated by quantitative studies. <...> But for better quantitative studies, a better formal theory of IR is needed. <...> He discusses also epistemological aspects of quantitative studies. <...> Key words: IR methodology, quantative methods, statistical methodology, epistemology, agent-based modeling, “salami tactics”. <...> Professor Braumoeller’s research is in the areas of international relations, especially international security, and statistical methodology. <...> His substantive research includes a new, book-length systemic theory of international relations, The Great Powers and the International System (Cambridge University Press; winner of the 2014 International Studies Association Best Book Award and the 2014 J. David Singer Book Award) as well as various works on international conflict, the history of American isolationism, and the problem of so-called “politically irrelevant dyads.” He is currently involved in projects on evaluating the end-of-war thesis and on addressing the problem of endogeneity when estimating the impact of political institutions. 198 Applied Analysis in American Science of International Relations. <...> It is becoming more and more about science, as the recent LaCour-Green scandal demonstrates <...>