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Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика  / №3 2014

Estimation of the Relativistic Phase-Shift Formula Applicability to Jupiter’s Satellite System (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAnisimov
АннотацияIn this work an estimate of the relativistic phase shift of space body satellite rotation observed from a remote planet is compared with the classical perturbation of the satellite orbit by other space bodies. The calculations are exemplified by Jupiter’s satellites. A satellite of the Amalthea group interacting with the Galilean satellites is chosen. The interaction of this satellite with the rest of its group is negligible as compared to that with external satellites, since the mass of any internal satellite is much less than that of external ones.
УДК531.352, 53.01
Anisimov, A.V. Estimation of the Relativistic Phase-Shift Formula Applicability to Jupiter’s Satellite System / A.V. Anisimov // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 140-146 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/404475 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Физика UDC 531.352, 53.01 Estimation of the Relativistic Phase-Shift Formula Applicability to Jupiter’s Satellite System A. V. Anisimov Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia 6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198 In this work an estimate of the relativistic phase shift of space body satellite rotation observed from a remote planet is compared with the classical perturbation of the satellite orbit by other space bodies. <...> A satellite of the Amalthea group interacting with the Galilean satellites is chosen. <...> A gravitational interaction of Jupiter’s satellite system has been considered within the weak-interaction approximation for inner satellites neglecting Galilean satellites’ action on the phase. <...> A gravitational deviation of the chosen inner satellite is calculated to match against the value obtained from the relativistic phase shift formula. <...> The relativistic shift between real and observable phases is given by a formula obtained by A.P.Yefremov in the framework of Quaternion theory. <...> The formula for correction to the phase is a relativistic effect of time delay. <...> An effect of the Galilean satellites on the inner satellites is considered. <...> The phase correction is compared with the value predicted by Quaternion theory of relativity. <...> Key words and phrases: relativistic effects, phase shift, Jupiter ’s satellite system, Amalthea, quaternionic relativity, formulae estimation. 1. <...> They are: light ray deflection by gravity sources, time delay of the objects moving relative to the observer etc. <...> This work is devoted to estimation of the relativistic effect illustrated by Jupiter’s There exists a problem of determining space body coordinates due to a plethora of satellites. <...> Section 2 includes description of the algebra of quaternions and biquaternions and the main notions of General relativity in terms of hypercomplex number algebra. <...> Quaternions and Fundamentals of Quaternion Special Relativity formula for the relativistic shift. <...> The quaternion calculation is based on four units, Received 15th June, 2014. <...> Now we shall discuss in detail the fundamentals of the theory to find the final Anisimov A. V. Estimation of the Relativistic Phase-Shift Formula . . . 139 one is a scalar and three are vectors q1, q2, q3, satisfying the multiplication rules [2]: 1qk = qk1 = qk; qkql = −δkl +εkliqj. <...> In Einstein’s theory of relativity the interval is <...>