Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645695)
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Первый авторBulyzhenkov
АннотацияTesla reading of electricity through invisible energy ether between visible bodies corresponds to the found radial solution for a continuous source. The Mie–Schwinger distributed electron extends over the very structure of its Coulomb radial field. The electric charge is not a basic concept of Maxwell-Tesla electrodynamics but is the field energy distribution under the unified, non-dual approach to matter-energy in the nonempty world space. Electric self-energy of such a unified nonlocal carrier is finite despite the latter fills the infinite Universe with Tesla material ether everywhere (without empty space regions). Maxwell’s equations can describe both local balances of electric self-energy currents and nonlocal Tesla resonances within the global world overlap of moving continuous carriers of energy. Material Tesla space for overlapping electric energy sources in Maxwell’s equations calls for radial mass-energy sources in the Einstein equation.
Bulyzhenkov, I.E. Tesla Energy Space for Mie–Schwinger Continuous Electron / I.E. Bulyzhenkov // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика .— 2013 .— №1 .— С. 204-213 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/404320 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 539.12 Tesla Energy Space for MieSchwinger Continuous Electron I. E. Bulyzhenkov Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Lebedev Physical Institute RAS 53, Leninsky pros., Moscow, 119991, Russia Tesla reading of electricity through invisible energy ether between visible bodies corresponds to the found radial solution for a continuous source. <...> The MieSchwinger distributed electron extends over the very structure of its Coulomb radial field. <...> The electric charge is not a basic concept of Maxwell-Tesla electrodynamics but is the field energy distribution under the unified, non-dual approach to matter-energy in the nonempty world space. <...> Electric self-energy of such a unified nonlocal carrier is finite despite the latter fills the infinite Universe with Tesla material ether everywhere (without empty space regions). <...> Maxwell’s equations can describe both local balances of electric self-energy currents and nonlocal Tesla resonances within the global world overlap of moving continuous carriers of energy. <...> Material Tesla space for overlapping electric energy sources in Maxwell’s equations calls for radial mass-energy sources in the Einstein equation. <...> Key words and phrases: nonlocal energy-charges, continuous particle, non-empty space paradigm. 1. <...> Spirality of the elementary Maxwell wave By considering Maxwell’s equations as a very reliable tool for any engineering computations, physicists are not looking anymore on the Mie program [1] to use this classical tool for description of elementary charges. <...> Spins of elementary particles, for example, are often discussed only by way of quantum physics, rather than by the classical theory of fields. <...> As a result, one could assume that spins of elementary particles are related exclusively to their quantum properties, which have to disappear in the classical limit  → 0 for the Planck constant. <...> However, Classical Electrodynamics (CED) complies not only with the Einstein principle of relativity for space-time translations of matter, but also with the 10-dimensional Poincar´ Lie group is a semidirect product of the translations with the Lorentz transformations. <...> It was established that the spin of a classical system can be related to the Lorentz little group, namely to the unitary irreducible representations which determine the polarization degrees of freedom [2]. <...> Sooner or later, a complete theory of classical <...>