Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 635151)
Руконтекст антиплагиат система
Уголь  / №4 2016

Специальные способы разработки месторождений (200,00 руб.)

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АннотацияУчебное пособие для студентов и преподавателей вузов, горных инженеров и широкого круга читателей
Специальные способы разработки месторождений // Уголь .— 2016 .— №4 .— С. 77-77 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/402027 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

72-75 Title INVESTIGATION OF THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF LIGHTWEIGHT MATERIALS FROM ENERGY INDUSTRY WASTES WITHOUT THE USE OF NATURAL TRADITIONAL MATERIALS DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2016-4-72-75 Authors Abdrakhimov V.Z. <...> 3 1 Samara Economic State University, Samara, 443110, Russian Federation 2 Samara Aerospace University, Samara, 443110, Russian Federation 3 International Innovative University, Sochi, 354000, Russian Federation Authors’ Information Abdrakhimov V.Z., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, tel. <...> : +7 (846) 337-58-92, e-mail: 3375892@mail.ru Abdrakhimova E.S., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor Abdrakhimova I.D., Student Abstract The research has shown that the use of waste from the fuel and energy industry with a high content of unburned particles provides a lightweight ceramic material with low thermal conductivity without the need of traditional natural materials use. <...> The use of waste contributes to the environmental management through the involvement of ceramic waste materials in the production process; creation of energy- and resource-saving technologies for the building materials production; reducing environmental stress in the region; recycling of industrial wastes, environmental protection, and expansion of the raw material base for building materials and reduce of production costs. <...> Keywords Carbonaceous Wastes, Bottom-Ash Material, Interschistic Clay, Coal Washing Wastes, Thermal Insulation and High-Quality Brick, Pressing, Drying, Burning, Physical and Mechanical Properties. <...> Ispolzovaniye othodov chernoy metalurgii v proizvodstve keramicheskogo kirpicha [The use of iron and steel industry wastes in the ceramic bricks production]. <...> Ekologiya proizvodstva v Rosii – Production ecology in Russia, 2013, no. <...> Akusticheskoye vozdeystviye vetroenergeticheskih ustanovok na okruzhayushchuyu sredu [Acoustic impact of wind turbines on the environment]. <...> Ekologiya proizvodstva v Rosii – Production ecology in <...>

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