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Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина)  / №2 2015


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Первый авторZaikin Sergey
АннотацияThe paper offers an overview of the discussions at four panels that were held within the framework of the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum. During the first conference participants covered several problems — from difficulties of introduction of two-level system of legal education in Russia to ways for motivation of students and lecturers. The topic of the second round table was probably one of the most discussed at the Forum. The third conference shows that the implementation of the very basic principle of judiciary — independence — is still quite difficult. As the fourth round table reveals civil law in Russia is in permanent condition of reforming, and it is a time to make its detailed and objective analysis.
Zaikin, S. AT THE FOREFRONT OF LEGAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE / S. Zaikin // Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина) .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 18-30 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/397037 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

FORUM REVIEW AT THE FOREFRONT OF LEGAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE By Sergey Zaikin (Russia) Author PhD (Law), Higher School of Economics, 2014 Online editor, Kutafin University Law Review Email: istoriograf@mail.ru Abstract The paper offers an overview of the discussions at four panels that were held within the framework of the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum. <...> During the fi rst conference participants covered several problems — from diffi culties of introduction of two-level system of legal education in Russia to ways for motivation of students and lecturers. <...> The topic of the second round table was probably one of the most discussed at the Forum. <...> The third conference shows that the implementation of the very basic principle of judiciary — independence — is still quite diffi cult. <...> As the fourth round table reveals civil law in Russia is in permanent condition of reforming, and it is a time to make its detailed and objective analysis. <...> Keywords Legal education, economic sanctions, judicial system, liability law, the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum DOI: 10.17803/2313-5395.2015.2.4.193-205 Volume 2 October 2015 Issue 2(4) www.kulawr.ru 194 KUTAFIN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Legal education: alternative view . 194 II. <...> Unilateral sanctions in multipolar world: legal challenges . 196 III. <...> Enhancing the independence of the Judiciary and the adversarial principle: the standpoint of the Bar. 199 IV. <...> Reforming liability law in Russia: agenda for 2015 .200 I. LEGAL EDUCATION: ALTERNATIVE VIEW During this conference its participants covered several problems — from difficulties of introduction of two-level system of legal education in Russia to ways for motivation of students and lecturers. <...> At the same time there is no integration of the national and international legal sources because not only in Russia but in the whole Europe the international law is studied just within special courses. <...> It leads to the lack of practical skills. <...> At the end failure to apply practical skills in practice leads to the loss of time. <...> For solving those problems Kutafin Moscow State Law www.kulawr.ru Volume 2 October 2015 Issue 2(4) Sergey Zaikin At the Forefront of Legal Science and Practice 195 University together with Lukoil, VTB-24, Ministry of Science <...>