№ 3 - 2014 ozonized solution and ozonated sunflower oil during the drying and dead-wood period of chronic catarrh of the alveoli sick cows allows to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions to 5,5 and 10,1% respectively in comparison with masicide. <...> At a lower multiplicity intracisternal introduction of dioxidine's ozonized solution on 11,9 and OPRM on 10,6 provided clinical recovery cows during the drying period sick chronic purulentcatarrhal mastitis in comparison with masicide. <...> Before treatment of the animals with ozonized solution of the dioxide in one milliliter of secretion of the affected lobe of mammary gland was present 824000 microorganisms on the day of recovery 666 10 days no more than 100. <...> The process of clinical recovery of the cows in the background of the application dioxidine's ozonized solution is accompanied by a decrease in blood leukocyte count and increased a total protein level y-globulin, immunoglobulin and udder secretions. <...> The application of ozonized solution of the dioxide with chronic mastitis during the drying period in cows increases their milk production and subsequent lactation. <...> Современный взгляд на проблему мастита у коров /Н.Т. Климов, С.С. Першин// Современные пробл. ветеринарного акушерства и биотехнологии воспроизведения животных: Матер. <...> А Разработка и совершенствование методов диагностики, терапии и профилактики мастита у коров: дисс. в форме научн. доклада… д-ра вет. наук.- Воронеж, 1990. <...> Итоги и перспективы исследований по борьбе с маститом коров (этиология, диагностика, профилактика и терапия) /В.А.Париков //Теоретические и практические аспекты возникновения и развития болезней животных и защита их здоровья в современных условиях: Матер. конф. <...> Биотерапия и биопрофилактика мастита у коров /В.В.Подберезный :автореф. дисс. … д-ра вет <...>