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Философские науки  / №4 2015

About the Authors (300,00 руб.)

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About the Authors // Философские науки .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 160-160 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/372751 (дата обращения: 17.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

About the Authors Philosophical Sciences – 4/2015 Evlampiev, Igor – professor (Saint Petersburg State University), PhD. <...> Fadeeva, Irina – head of the Chair for Cultural Studies and Pedagogical Anthropology (Syktyvkar State University), professor, PhD. <...> Kara-Murza, Alexey – head of the Branch for Social and Political Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), head of the Department of Applied Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science (State Academic University for the Humanities), professor, PhD. <...> Koshelev, Igorpostgraduate student (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). <...> Krylova, Irina – leading research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Lepsky, Vladimir – principal research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), chief editor of the journal of Reflexive Processes and Control, PhD. <...> Loshchits, Igorpostgraduate student (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). <...> Motroshilova, Nelya – principal research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), professor, PhD. <...> Razumov, Alexander – senior research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences). <...> Sharova, Veronika – research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), professor (State Academic University of Humanities), PhD. <...> Shelkovnikov, Andrey – professor (Institute for Social and Humanitarian Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University), PhD. <...> Sineokaya, Yulia – head of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Sizemskaya, Irina – principal research fellow (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), PhD. <...> Sulimov, Vladimir – full member of the International Academy of Science (Russian Section), professor (Komi State Pedagogical Institute), PhD. <...> Ulyanovsky, Andrey – professor (Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications at St. Petersburg State University), PhD. <...> Zhukova, Olga – professor (National Research University Higher School of Economics), PhD.! <...>