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Первый авторIsmail
ИздательствоМ.: ПРОМЕДИА
Ismail, B. Ucagizli Cave II / B. Ismail // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология. .— 2014 .— №3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/341408 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

88 Section HUMAN EVOLUTION Section HUMAN EVOLUTION ЬЗAĞIZLI CAVE II: MIDDLE PALEOLITHIC ASSEMBLAGES FROM SOUTH-ANATOLIA Baykara İsmail Yьzьncь Yıl University, Faculty of Letter, Anthropology Department, Van, Turkey Most scientists agree that modern humans left Africa relatively recently, and it was traditionally thought that the route taken was northwards, overland through the Middle East and beyond. <...> In this article, we will discuss about Middle Paleolithic archaeological evidence from Ьзağızlı II Cave in order to assess the timing and geographic origins of Upper Pleistocene human colonization. <...> Ьзağızlı Cave II is a Middle Paleolithic locality situated on the Mediterranean coast of south-central Turkey. <...> Ьзağızlı II contains higher densities of lithics and bones as well as residues of hearth features, indicating a higher intensity or frequency of human frequentation. <...> The Cave Lithic technology is dominated by Levallois production and hard-hammer percussion used to reduced the cores. <...> All of the layers systematic reducing of the core is considered with mainly unipolar, secondary centripetal Levallois production. <...> Orientation of the production is mainly fl akes and scarcely seen blades manufactures. <...> Typological feature is characterized with higher proportion of Levallois fl ake, Levallois points, Mousterian points, side scrapers types and lower proportion of upper Palaeolithic tool types. <...> Those technological and typological evidence shows the cave is in Levantine Middle Palaeolithic assemblages. <...> Key words: Ьзağızlı II Cave, Middle Paleolithic, Anatolia, Hatay Contact information: Baykara İsmail, e-mail: ibaykara@yyu.edu.tr. <...> CRANIAL VAULT MORPHOLOGY OF EASTERN EUROPEAN AND EASTERN SIBERIAN MESOLITHIC POPULATIONS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Bulygina (Stansfi eld) Ekaterina, Pezhemsky Denis, Rasskazova Anna Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia We carried out a morphometric analysis of cranial vault and upper face in Mesolithic populations of Eastern Europe (Oleniy Ostrov, Zvejnieki, Popovo, Peschanitsa, Vasilievka III, Murzak-Koba, Fatma-Koba). <...> Our methods included 3D geometric morphometrics as well as conventional distances. <...> Data were subjected to the principal component analysis. <...> We examined trends <...>