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Проблемы учета и финансов

Проблемы учета и финансов №4 2016

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АннотацияНаше издание существует с апреля 2003 г., первые пять номеров выпускались как сборник статей, с шестого номера (2005 г.) - сборник преобразован в ежеквартальный научно-практический журнал "Проблемы финансов и учета". Издавался основной рецензируемый выпуск, специальные выпуски, приложение для старшекурсников и соискателей. С 2011 г. журнал начал обновленную жизнь с новым названием "Проблемы учета и финансов" Особенности нашего издания - междисциплинарный подход, т.е. предоставление возможности публикации всем экономистам на финансовую тему, а также правовым финансистам (специалистам финансового права). Мы поддерживаем позицию, относящую бухгалтерский учет к предмету финансового права и считаем, что здесь лежит перспективное направление исследований. Одна из интересных тем - это домохозяйство, в аспекте финансов, учета и финансового права, как его самый важный субъект. Редакция журнала предлагает научным сотрудникам, преподавателям, аспирантам, соискателям, работникам финансовой сферы опубликовать статьи в нашем журнале.
Проблемы учета и финансов .— Томск : Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет .— 2016 .— №4 .— 75 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/332611 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

G. Polzunov Altai State Technical University Budgetary federalism: condition of crisis The questions of the crisis state of the system of budgetary regulation in Russia and the prospects for its overcoming are examined in the paper. <...> The most important flaws of the acting order of the formation of inter-budget relations are revealed and analyzed, its aim is proven exclusively to the prosperity of federal budget. <...> The need for passage from the model of the centralized financial device of the country to the principles of the decentralization of budgetary device is substantiated. <...> Keywords: budget, budgetary regulation, budgetary federalism, inter-budget relations, the principles of budgetary system, budgetary reform, budgetary device, the decentralization of budgetary system. <...> Zemtsov A.A. National Research Tomsk State University Typology of the consuming households, household cycle and the directions of its development The author's typology of the consuming family centralized households is developed in the paper. <...> The main types of households are added with types on dwelling accessory, on a spatial arrangement of household parts. <...> The list of household events is given. <...> Osipova T.Yu., Klimenko E.N. National Research Tomsk State University Financial Technologies (Fintech) as an envelope of households finance instruments The review of the state of the financial technologies industry in Russia, the main trends are presented in the paper. <...> Financial technologies are submitted as a form of using household finance instruments. <...> The authors identified 11 areas of financial technology (fintech). <...> Identified areas of fintech correlated with the main households finance instruments. <...> Keywords: financial technologies (fintech), households finance, financial instruments (households finance instruments). <...> D. National Research Tomsk State University Traditional (national) model of a household of the Republic of Tajikistan The national model of a household of the Republic of Tajikistan is considered in the paper. <...> The income and expenses of a national household and its structure in the Republic of Tajikistan are analyzed, and also the main differences from households of the Russian Federation are revealed. <...> Balastova T.V. National Research Tomsk State University Conceptual basis of the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation The paper analyzes the normative and research approaches to the determination of subsistence level. <...> The author made a conclusion that the subsistence level is not associated to the theory of household finance. <...> Belomyttseva O.S. Tomsk <...>
   4(24) 2016  2011 .    ISSN 2222 – 9388 :   ,   ()  77 – 44100 : .  (. ), .  (. . ), . , . , . , .  (. ) : . , . ,  (), . , . ,  (), . , . ,  (), . , . ,  (), . , . ,  (), . , . ,  ) : 634050, . , . ,36, e-mail: fbd@bk.ru web-site: http://journals.tsu.ru . (382-2) 783-743  .  .  : 30.03.2017  60×841/8  1  . . 4,7; . . . 6,6; .-. . 6,2;  500 .  2500 , 634029, . , . , 4  , 634050, . , . , 36, . 8(382-2) 53-15-28; 52-98-49 http://publish.tsu.ru; e-mail; rio.tsu@mail.ru .    .   © , 2016  .   : ?.......... 64 ...................... 69 ....................................... 71  ....................... 73  .   :  ....................... 46 .,  ., .  ..................................................... 50 .  ,   ..................................................... 55 ., ., .   ................................................ 60 . ,    .................................................................. 10 .  »  ............. 19 ., .  ................................................................................. 27 .  ()  ............ 37  .   ............................................ 42    ............................................................... 2 . :   ......................................................................... 3