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CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course. May 16–17, 2014 (1000,00 руб.)

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АвторыLeo A. Bockeria , Marko Turina
ИздательствоМ.: Научный центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии им. А.Н. Бакулева
АннотацияCARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course. May 16–17, 2014 / L.A. Bockeria, M. Turina (Ed.). M.: Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery; 2015
CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course. May 16–17, 2014 / Leo A. Bockeria, Marko Turina .— Москва : Научный центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии им. А.Н. Бакулева .— 682 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-7982-0341-3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/310132 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course May 16–17, 2014 Editors Leo A. Bockeria Marko Turina CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. <...> Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course May 16–17, 2014 Editors Leo A. Bockeria Marko Turina UDC 616.12-089+616.1322-07-08 CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. <...> III James Cox (La Grange, KY, USA) The Interventional Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation .3 Leo A. Bockeria (Moscow, Russia) A La "Cox-MAZE III Procedure" .45 Paul Sergeant (Leuven, Belgium) Can We Eliminate the Stroke In CABG?.61 Lars G. Svensson (Cleveland OH, USA): Aortic Valve Repair and Root Surgery .79 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) The Evolution from Surgery to Percutaneous Mitral Valve Interventions .126 Sergey Leontyev (Leipzig, Germany) Transcatheter and Transapical Aortic Valve Replacement.153 Pedro del Nido (Boston MA, USA) Valve Reconstruction for Congenital Mitral Valve Disease.176 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) Current Strategies in the Management of Secondary (Functional) Mitral Regurgitation.192 Paul Sergeant (Leuven, Belgium) Conversion in OPCAB, Can It Be Avoided?.208 Lorenzo Menicanti (Milano, Italy) The Rationale to Use Saphenous Vein Graft in Era of Total Arterial Revascularization.223 Robert Dion (Genk, Belgium) Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation – When and How to Intervene.241 Pedro del Nido, (Boston, MA, USA) Tricuspid Valve Repair: From Ebstein to Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation .266 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) Tricuspid Regurgitation in Different Clinical Scenarios – Surgical Options and Percutaneous Perspectives.282 Ludwig Von Segesser (Lausanne, Switzerland) Growing Indications for Catheter Valves.302 David Taggart (Oxford, UK) CABG and Stents in 2014 .329 Sergey Leontyev (Leipzig, Germany) Syntax Study: Final Results and Implications.352 Robert Dion (Genk, Belgium) Transatrial Surgical Approach to HOCM.373 I Lars Svensson (Cleveland OH, USA) Hybrid Procedures of the Arch and Distal Aorta Including Elephant Trunk Procedures.390 Roberto Chiesa (Milano, Italy) Thoracic Aortic Infections .428 Thierry Carrel (Berne, Switzerland) Mini-ECC Perfusion <...>
CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course May 16–17, 2014 Editors Leo A. Bockeria Marko Turina
UDC 616.12-089+616.1322-07-08 CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: SURGERY AND INTERVENTIONS. Proceedings of the Second Moscow International Course. May 16–17, 2014 / L.A. Bockeria, M. Turina (Ed.). M.: Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery; 2015 Acquisitions Editors: Zalina F. Kudzoeva, M.D. Mikhail B. Biniashvili, M.D., C.M.Sc. ISBN 978-5-7982-0341-3 © Bakoulev SCCVS, 2015
Content Leo A. Bockeria (Moscow, Russia) Marko Turina (Zurich, Switzerland) Opening Remarks ...........................................................................................III James Cox (La Grange, KY, USA) The Interventional Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation .................................................3 Leo A. Bockeria (Moscow, Russia) A La "Cox-MAZE III Procedure" ........................................................................45 Paul Sergeant (Leuven, Belgium) Can We Eliminate the Stroke In CABG?.............................................................61 Lars G. Svensson (Cleveland OH, USA): Aortic Valve Repair and Root Surgery ...............................................................79 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) The Evolution from Surgery to Percutaneous Mitral Valve Interventions .............126 Sergey Leontyev (Leipzig, Germany) Transcatheter and Transapical Aortic Valve Replacement.................................153 Pedro del Nido (Boston MA, USA) Valve Reconstruction for Congenital Mitral Valve Disease.................................176 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) Current Strategies in the Management of Secondary (Functional) Mitral Regurgitation.......................................................................................192 Paul Sergeant (Leuven, Belgium) Conversion in OPCAB, Can It Be Avoided?......................................................208 Lorenzo Menicanti (Milano, Italy) The Rationale to Use Saphenous Vein Graft in Era of Total Arterial Revascularization...................................................................223 Robert Dion (Genk, Belgium) Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation – When and How to Intervene......................241 Pedro del Nido, (Boston, MA, USA) Tricuspid Valve Repair: From Ebstein to Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation .......266 Ottavio Alfieri (Milano, Italy) Tricuspid Regurgitation in Different Clinical Scenarios – Surgical Options and Percutaneous Perspectives.....................................................................282 Ludwig Von Segesser (Lausanne, Switzerland) Growing Indications for Catheter Valves..........................................................302 David Taggart (Oxford, UK) CABG and Stents in 2014 ..............................................................................329 Sergey Leontyev (Leipzig, Germany) Syntax Study: Final Results and Implications...................................................352 Robert Dion (Genk, Belgium) Transatrial Surgical Approach to HOCM..........................................................373 I
Lars Svensson (Cleveland OH, USA) Hybrid Procedures of the Arch and Distal Aorta Including Elephant Trunk Procedures............................................................................390 Roberto Chiesa (Milano, Italy) Thoracic Aortic Infections .............................................................................428 Thierry Carrel (Berne, Switzerland) Mini-ECC Perfusion for CABG Surgery ...........................................................465 Roberto Chiesa (Milano, Italy) Acute Aortic Syndrome: Open & Endovascular Management............................485 Lorenzo Menicanti (Milano, Italy) Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Is Ventricular Matter, Surgical Implication............530 David Taggart (Oxford, UK) Arterial Grafts for CABG In 2014 ....................................................................550 Marko Turina (Zurich, Switzerland) Guidelines in Coronary Revascularization: A Critical Reassessment ..................573 Lorenzo Menicanti (Milano, Italy) Ventricular Remodelling Operation: Is There a Need? ......................................580 Ludwig Von Segesser (Lausanne, Switzerland) Echo-Guided Cardiovascular Surgery.............................................................602 Thierry Carrel (Berne, Switzerland) Malperfusion in Acute Aortic Dissection: Early Detection and Treatment ...........627 James Cox (La Grange, KY, USA) Closure of the La Appendage – Should We Be More Aggressive?......................644 II