Журнал Сибирского федерального университета
Journal of Siberian Federal University
Техника и технологии
Engineering & Technologies
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Vladimir A. Kulagin
Åvgeniy P. Khagleev
The Conjugate Equations in the Heterogeneous Systems Heat
and Mass Exchange Tasks
– 485 –
Â.À. Êóëàãèí, Ò.À. Пьяных
),“ле……%е ,““лед%"=…,е C!%це““%" " “3Cе!*=",2=ц,%……%м
,“C=!,2еле “ 3че2%м 2е!м%д,…=м,че“*,. .--е*2%"
– 498 –
Н.Д. Демиденко, Л.В. Кулагина
– 506 –
Vladimir I. Ivanchura,
Alexey B. Chubar and Sergey S. Post
The Energetic Model of the Lithium-Ion Storage Battery
– 514 –
Ñ.Ñ. Красненко, Ä.A. Недорезов,
Â.Á. Êàøêèí, Þ.Ã. Хазагаров, À.Â. Пичкалев
!=д,%…=",г=ц,%……/. “,г…=л%"
ц,-!%"%L “,…2еƒ " ,м,2=2%!=.
– 521 –
К.В. Митин
l%дел,!%"=…,е C%2%*%" ,%…%" " C!%це““е .ле*2!%л,2,че“*%г%
– 527 –
Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Е.Г. Иванова
Компьютерная верстка Е.В. Гревцовой
Подписано в печать 29.08.2013 г. Формат 84x108/16. Усл. печ. л. 10,6.
Уч.-изд. л. 10,1. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 3072.
Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a.
2ече…,L " 2!3Kч=2/.
2013 6 (5)
Editorial board for Engineering &
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Vladimir I. Kirko and Alexandr M. Petrov
Aluminum Busbar Connection Parts of the Cell &Flexible
Cathode Descent $ Cathode Bus[
– 534 –
А.П. Буйносов
b%““2=…%"ле…,е " деC% C!%-,л K=…д=›еL C!%м/шле……/.
.ле*2!%"%ƒ%" “ C%м%?ью …=Cл="*, Kеƒ "/*=2*, *%ле“…/.
– 543 –
À.Ã. Êîð÷óíîâ, Ä.Ê. Долгий
g=",“,м%“2ь !ел=*“=ц,%……%L “2%L*%“2, "/“%*%C!%ч…%L
“2=K,л,ƒ,!%"=……%L =!м=23!/ %2 м,*!%“2!3*23!/ “2=л, C%“ле
ме.=…%2е!м,че“*%L %K!=K%2*,
– 555 –
К.Г. Петров
j!=“…% !“*= " 1920-1930-. г%д=.
– 562 –
Liubov A. Shaporova, Leng Hong and Xu Suning
Nature Prerequisites for Zoning of Suburban Area of Krasnoyarsk
– 580 –
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ
ПИ № ФС77-28-722 от 29.06.2007 г.
Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих
рецензируемых научных журналов
и изданий, в которых должны
быть опубликованы основные научные
результаты диссертации на
соискание ученой степени доктора и
кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.)
Т.А. Кулагина,
Т.Н. Кузьменко, М.Е. Грищенко
j=че“2"% =2м%“-е!…%г% "%ƒд3.= …= г!=…,це qgg ю›…%L
C!%мƒ%…/ г. `ч,…“*=
– 591 –
Е.Ю. Сизганова,
Р.А. Петухов, Д.В. Антоненков
qC%“%K %C!еделе…,
.ле*2!%C%2!еKле…,ем " ,…-!=“2!3*23!е
%KAе*2%" “ …е!=ц,%…=ль…/м
%!г=…,ƒ=ц,L , 3ч!е›де…,L м3…,ц,C=ль…%г% 3!%"…
– 605 –
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies 5 (2013 6) 485-497
~ ~ ~
УДК 536:620
The Conjugate Equations
in the Heterogeneous Systems Heat
and Mass Exchange Tasks
Еvgeniy P. Khagleev*
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
Received 15.04.2013, received in revised form 22.06.2013, accepted 18.07.2013
Conjugate equations based on a conception of the uniform mathematic description of a naturally
equal heating transfer process in all points of a heterogeneous system is proposed. The equations
may be applied to describe the heat and mass exchange processes in the divided boundaries of
the heterogeneous systems instead of conventional IV type boundaries conditions. The modeling
results of the underground coal gasifi cation heat and mass exchange is adduced in the new problem
defi nition.
Keywords: heterogeneous system, divided boundaries, heat and mass exchange, type IV boundary
conditions, conjugate equations, underground gasifi cation, coal-bed reaction channel.
The research of heat-mass exchange processes (HME) is very actual area today. The results
of the researches is much used power engineering, metallurgy, chemicals, building and space
Mathematical modeling HME processes in heterogeneous systems is consider. In the systems
separate phases have different physical properties and is in close contact. The systems describes by
boundary conditions IV type. It’s writes as equal of temperature and heat transfer rate of contact
phases. The equation accuracy is heating effects in boundaries (surfaces division)
t1 = = tξ;
∂ = ξ τ ξ
∂ −λ ∂
λ ∂
n Qt
( , , ( ) ,
1, 2 – indexes of fi rst and second boundary contacts phases; t1
and third phases in the boundary, °С; λ1
– heat effect on the division surface, W/m2
– temperature of fi rst, second
– coeffi cient of heat conductivity fi rst and second phases,
W/(m·K); n – normal on division surface; ξ – point coordinate, which placed on the division surface, m;
(ξ τ ξ)(,,
HME tasks in heterogeneous systems described IV type boundary conditions refers to conjugate
tasks HME.
© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
* Corresponding author E-mail address: sfu118@mail.ru
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