Журнал Сибирского федерального университета
Journal of Siberian Federal University
Техника и технологии
Engineering & Technologies
Редакционный совет
академик РАН Е.А. Ваганов
академик РАН И.И. Гительзон
академик РАН А.Г. Дегерменджи
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чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук
В.Л. Миронов
чл.-корр. РАН, д-р техн. наук
Г.Л. Пашков
чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук
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чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук
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Editorial Advisory Board
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Editorial Board:
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Founding Editor:
Vladimir I. Kolmakov
Managing Editor:
Olga F. Alexandrova
Executive Editor for Engineering &
Vladimir A. Kulagin
Rostislav A. Tsykin
Hypergene Units of the Proterozoic Tatar Carbonatite Formation
of the Yenisey Ridge
– 365 –
И.В. Макаров, В.А. Пронский
nC/2 ,“C%льƒ%"=…, г%!…%-ге%л%г,че“*%L “,“2ем/ Micromine
C!, %це…*е .*%…%м,че“*%L .--е*2,"…%“2, %2!=K%2*,
c%!е"“*%г% “",…ц%"%-ц,…*%"%г% ме“2%!%›де…,
– 374 –
А.И. Косолапов, А.И. Пташник
rC!="ле…,е !е›,м%м г%!…/. !=K%2 C!, %2*!/2%L !=ƒ!=K%2*е
ме“2%!%›де…,L .2=C=м,
– 387 –
Â.Å. Êèñëÿêîâ, Î.À. Корзун
nK%“…%"=…,е 2е.…%л%г,, м=L…%%K!=ƒ%"=…, C!, !=ƒ!=K%2*е
%K"%д…е……/. ме“2%!%›де…,L
– 394 –
С.Б. Васильев, И.И. Демченко
o%"/ше…,е %KAе*2,"…%“2, %це…*, *%леK=…,L *=че“2"= г%!…%L
– 403 –
Ä.È. Öåëþê, Â.Å. Æóêîâà, Å.Ã. Îæîãèíà,
Î.À. ßêóøèíà, È.Í. Целюк
l,…е!=л%г%-2е.…%л%г,че“*,е %“%Kе……%“2, ."%“2%" м%*!%L
м=г…,2…%L “еC=!=ц,, ›елеƒ…/. !3д , Cе!“Cе*2,"/ ,ƒ"лече…,
,ƒ …,. ›елеƒ=
– 412 –
Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Е.Г. Иванова
Компьютерная верстка Е.В. Гревцовой
Подписано в печать 28.06.2013 г. Формат 84x108/16. Усл. печ. л. 9,75.
Уч.-изд. л. 9,25. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 2435.
Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a.
2013 6 (4)
Editorial board for Engineering &
Vladimir A. Kulagin
Yury D. Alashkevich
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Georg Guggenberger
Carsten Drebenstedt
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Sergey V. Kaverzin
Feng-Chen Li
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Peter V. Polyakov
Anatoli M. Sazonov
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Anatoly Z. Shvidenko
Galina A. Chiganova
Ë.Ï. Колмакова, Í.Í. Äîâæåíêî, Î.Í. Ковтун
b%““2=…%"ле…,е “,…ег% %*“,д= "%ль-!=м= "%д%!%д%м
– 425 –
Э.М. Никифорова, Р.Г. Еромасов
pег3л,!%"=…,е C!%це““%" -%!м,!%"=…, *!,“2=лл,ƒ=ц,%……/.
*е!=м,че“*,. д,“Cе!“…/. “,“2ем=
– 438 –
À.È. Ðþìèí, Í.Â. Миронкина
h““лед%"=…,е *,…е2,че“*,. ƒ=*%…%ме!…%“2еL !=“2"%!е…,
“3ль-=2= “",…ц= " !=“2"%!=. .л%!,д= , г,д!%*“,д= …=2!,
– 450 –
Tatyana A. Veretnova,
Ivan Ya. Shestakov, Angelina A. Kovaleva,
Svetlana M. Tinkova and Aleksander A. Kosovich
Modeling of Heat Exchange Processes under Electrocontact
Cutting of Metals
– 455 –
Dmitriy Yu. Ponomarev
IMS Quality of Service Estimation with Tensor Concept
– 462 –
Å.È. Çóáêî, Å.ß. Швец
p=ƒ!=K%2*= 2е.…%л%г,, -%!м,!%"=…, м…%г%*%мC%…е…2…/.
C!,K%!…/. *%мC%ƒ,ц,L …= %“…%"е C%!,“2%г% *!ем…,
– 474 –
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ
ПИ № ФС77-28-722 от 29.06.2007 г.
Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих
рецензируемых научных журналов
и изданий, в которых должны
быть опубликованы основные научные
результаты диссертации на
соискание ученой степени доктора и
кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.)
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies 4 (2013 6) 365-373
~ ~ ~
УДК 553.2: 551.311.231.553.465+553.64(571.51)
Hypergene Units of the Proterozoic
Tatar Carbonatite Formation
of the Yenisey Ridge
Rostislav A. Tsykin*
Siberian Federal University,
79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia
Received 26.05.2012, received in revised form 10.11.2012, accepted 12.02.2013
The Yenisey Ridge Proterozoic carbonatite and metasomatite unit developed in the belt of nearmeridian
strike, 20×2-5 km in size, is described. Dolomite carbonatites host en echelon beds of
pyrochlore-apatite ores with the average Nb2
grades 0.23 % and the average P2
grades 4.71 %.
Apatite beds are locally developed. As for metasomatites, muscovite-biotite mica is of specifi c
interest. Cretaceous-Paleocene kaolinite-hydromica weathering crusts of aluminum silicate rocks and
polygenetic unconsolidated compositions on carbonatites, representing vermiculite-clayey ochers in
combination, are developed in the northern part of the productive zone. Crandallite-bearing ochers
with higher Nb2
grades are developed in the southern part in the aleurite ferriferous material. In the
northern part of the zone the pit mines granular ores consisting of pyrochlore and columbite crystals
in the francolite-vermiculite-clayey material. Vermiculite and francolite are stored in special dumps.
The author recommends using phosphates of bedrock deposits, special dumps and slimes as a resource
for fertilizer production.
Keywords: apatite, francolite, pirochlore, kolumbite, vermiculite, krust of weathering, covered karst.
The formation was discovered in 1973 by the geologists of the Angara Exploration Expedition
of the Krasnoyarskgeologiya Union. The area of its development (above 2 km with the width 2.02.5
km) is considered by the author as a productive zone (niobium-phosphor zone) consisting of 5
niobium and phosphor deposits (Pervoye, Vtoroye, Tsentralnoye, Vostochnoye, Pravoberezhnoye
and Parallelnoye). Prospecting and exploration by the Angara Expedition (managers A.A. Malyshev,
S.V. Mazur, B.A. Skorodelov et al.) were carried out between 1978 and 1993. In 1994 a license was
issued to OJSC Stalmach for production of the so-called “granular ores” of phosphor-niobium beds in
the Pervoye deposit, and pit mining and processing of niobium ores are conducted since 2001.
The niobium-phosphor zone is located in the interfl uve of the Bolshaya Penchenga River, the
Bolshoy Pit tributary and the Tatarka River – the Angara tributary (Fig. 1). The area terrain is
moderately dissected submontane with slope elevations of the Tatar Ridge about 600 m and the
interfl uve located westward from it – 500-550 m. The Pervoye deposit being mined is connected
with a mine village Partizansk by a dirt round 30 km long and further to the Motygino Village – by
a dirt road 115 km long.
© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
* Corresponding author E-mail address: rtsykin@sfu-kras.ru
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