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Первый авторЮшкова-Борисова Юлия Геннадьевна
Юшкова-Борисова, Ю. Г. Новые вызовы и старые ответы на них. Проблема оттока и уменьшения численности населения / Ю. Г. Юшкова-Борисова .— : [Б.и.] .— 12 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/238088 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Юшкова-Борисова Юлия Геннадьевна Новые вызовы и старые ответы The resume: The article is devoted to the new global problem – the reduction of population of the small countries, formed on a place of the former USSR. <...> Not all new states are capable to give to the population the necessary level of management, social and law-enforcement protection. <...> People – a special, conceiving resource of the world economy, capable to make decisions, freely to move on territory of the country and the world. <...> In a modern situation population loss means gradual death of the state. <...> Earlier the state was defined by elite, military force, the state institutes and control of borders. <...> In this respect the example of modern Moldova is very indicative and very sad. <...> The mutual Program of sociological researches of Expert center "Mera" (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia) and of the Center of sociological and marketing researches CBS AXA (Kishinev, Moldova), has shown that there is the real risk of disappearance of Moldova, as the state. <...> The economic processes of Moldova, earlier focused on the Russian market, have stood, for investors Moldova also is not interesting. <...> The people, who planed to earn money in Europe for starting business in Moldova, having faced business climate realities, come back to Europe. <...> Biography of the author: Yushkova-Borisova Julia G. was born in 1964 in the Komi Republic in North-West Russia. <...> Создание новых стран на месте бывшего СССР дало надежду на быстрое улучшение жизни многим людям. <...> Выявилось сильное экономическое отставание от стран Западной Европы по качеству продукции и производительности труда, надежды на западные рынки оказались <...>

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