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Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник

Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник №1 2009 (400,00 руб.)

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АннотацияОсвещаются актуальные вопросы терапии, кардиологии, неврологии, психиатрии, гастроэнтерологии, общей хирургии, акушерства и гинекологии, андрологии, педиатрии, медицинской психологии, правовых основ медицинской деятельности и др.
Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. Электронный научно-образовательный Вестник .— Москва : Сообщество молодых врачей и организаторов здравоохранения, 1999 .— 2009 .— №1 .— 84 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/214272 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Since 1999 Электронный сборник научных трудов «Здоровье и образование в XXI веке» №1 2009 том 11 INTERNET-BASED AUTOMATED INDIVIDUALIZED INFERENTIAL STATISTICAL CHRONOBIOLOGIC SELF-SURVEILLANCE OFFERS UNIVERSAL PREVENTIVE VASCULAR CARE: CONFERENCE REPORT Halberg Franz1, Chibisov S.M.2, Agarval Radzhesh3 1. <...> For stroke prevention for many more people, monitoring blood pressure is equally timely and technically feasible. <...> Such chronobiologic home- and website-based personalised care also serves basic science and someday perhaps the management of societal illnesses. <...> The same requirements can be implemented automatically in the care of an individual's blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). <...> Scientific chronobiologic care: • seems complicated, but the necessary involved computations are done automatically; • is less expensive since it is largely based on self-help at home and via the Internet; • is safer since by self-surveillance it detects early conditions that are not recognized conventionally, such as a drug-induced symptomless blood pressure overswing. <...> Scientific chronobiologic care replacing the spotcheck-based approach has already been modeled and implemented for the case of blood pressure and heart rate in several locations on several continents. <...> With a minimal investment into staff for maintenance and research, a fully automatic website, accessible by cell phone, could function, as it currently does by hands-on e-mail, without involving a care provider as long as the screening does not detect consistent abnormality. <...> Guidelines for prevention as well as diagnosis and treatment are provided in a consensus co-signed by a minister of health and a university president, both cardiac ~1~ Since 1999 Электронный сборник научных трудов «Здоровье и образование в XXI веке» №1 2009 том 11 physiologists (1, 2). <...> A minimal investment into developing and operating automatic unobtrusive recorders and a website on a national, or preferably multilingual international scale could yield a maximal return from self-surveillance in a preventive and curative home-based health care involving providers only when abnormality occurs, Figure 4 (1-3). <...> For the time being, in this context, "the blind [providers] lead the blind [care recipients]". <...> As compared to conventional care, once a monitor has been acquired and automatic data <...>