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The Paton Welding Journal

The Paton Welding Journal №3 2012 (880,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал «The Paton Welding Journal” – английский перевод журнала «Автоматическая сварка»
The Paton Welding Journal .— 2012 .— №3 .— 48 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/202712 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

International Scientific-Technical and Production Journal March 2012 #3 English translation of the monthly «Avtomaticheskaya Svarka» (Automatic Welding) journal published in Russian since 1948 Founders: E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine International Association «Welding» Editor-in-Chief B.E.Paton Publisher: International Association «Welding» CONTENTS Editorial board: Yu. <...> N.Lankin I.K.Pokhodnya V.N.Lipodaev V.D.Poznyakov V.I.Makhnenko K.A.Yushchenko O.K.Nazarenko A.T.Zelnichenko I.A.Ryabtsev SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL Krikent I.V., Krivtsun I.V. and Demchenko V.F. Modelling of processes of heat-, mass- and electric transfer in column and anode region of arc with refractory cathode .................................................................. 2 Lobanov L.M., Pashchin N.A. and Mikhoduj O.L. International editorial council: N.P.Alyoshin U.Diltey Guan Qiao D. von Hofe V.I.Lysak N.I.Nikiforov B.E.Paton Ya. <...> Copies of individual articles may be obtained from the Publisher. © PWI, International Association «Welding», 2012 Efficiency of electrodynamic treatment of welded joints of AMg6 alloy of different thickness ......................................... 6 Poletaev Yu. <...> P., Sineok A.G. and Yashnik A.N. Cold resistance and lamellar fracture resistance of welded joints on steel 06GB-390 ............ 35 Koleda V.N. Improvement of the technology for submerged-arc welding of copper to steel ............................... 39 Development of technology of automatic submerged arc welding of armor steels ..................................................... 44 BRIEF INFORMATION News ..................................................................................... 46 MODELLING OF PROCESSES OF HEAT-, MASSAND ELECTRIC TRANSFER IN COLUMN AND ANODE REGION OF ARC WITH REFRACTORY CATHODE 1 2 2 I.V. KRIKENT , I.V. KRIVTSUN and V.F. DEMCHENKO Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine 2 E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine 1 Numerical analysis of thermal, electromagnetic and gas-dynamic characteristics of plasma of free-burning arc in argon at atmospheric pressure with tungsten cathode and copper water-cooled anode was performed in the anode region and column of welding arc based on self-consistent mathematic model of processes of heat-, mass- and electric transfer. <...> Results of calculation of current density on the anode and heat flow in the anode are compared with the available experimental data. <...> It is shown <...>
International Scientific-Technical and Production Journal March 2012 # 3 English translation of the monthly «Avtomaticheskaya Svarka» (Automatic Welding) journal published in Russian since 1948 Editor-in-Chief B.E.Paton Yu.S.Borisov V.F.Khorunov A.Ya.Ishchenko I.V.Krivtsun B.V.Khitrovskaya L.M.Lobanov V.I.Kyrian A.A.Mazur S.I.Kuchuk-Yatsenko Yu.N.Lankin I.K.Pokhodnya V.N.Lipodaev V.D.Poznyakov V.I.Makhnenko K.A.Yushchenko O.K.Nazarenko A.T.Zelnichenko I.A.Ryabtsev CONTENTS SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL . and . Modelling of processes of heat-, mass- and electric transfer in column and anode region of arc with refractory cathode .................................................................. 2 . and N.P.Alyoshin (Russia) U.Diltey (Germany) Guan Qiao (China) D. von Hofe (Germany) V.I.Lysak (Russia) N.I.Nikiforov (Russia) B.E.Paton (Ukraine) Ya.Pilarczyk (Poland) G.A.Turichin (Russia) Zhang Yanmin (China) A.S.Zubchenko (Russia) V.N.Lipodaev, V.I.Lokteva A.T.Zelnichenko (exec. director) A.A.Fomin, O.S.Kurochko, I.N.Kutianova, T.K.Vasilenko N.A.Dmitrieva D.I.Sereda, T.Yu.Snegiryova . Efficiency of electrodynamic treatment of welded joints of AMg6 alloy of different thickness ......................................... 6 . Influence of austenitizing mode on local fracture susceptibility of welded joints of 03Kh16N9M2 steel ...................................................................................... 11 . and . Dislocation model of hydrogen-enhanced localizing of plasticity in metals with bcc lattice ........................ 15 . and . Improvement of reliability of main gas pipelines by using repeated in-pipe flaw detection ................... 20 INDUSTRIAL . Application of welding technologies at realization of European program on new renewable energy sources ....................................................................... 26 . and . Increase of strength characteristics of spirally-welded pipes of structural designation ......................... 30 State Registration Certificate KV 4790 of 09.01.2001 $324, 12 issues per year, postage and packaging included. Back issues available. All rights reserved. This publication and each of the articles contained herein are protected by copyright. Permission to reproduce material contained in this journal must be obtained in writing from the Publisher. Copies of individual articles may be obtained from the Publisher. © PWI, International Association «Welding», 2012 . and . Cold resistance and lamellar fracture resistance of welded joints on steel 06GB-390 ............ 35 . Improvement of the technology for submerged-arc welding of copper to steel ............................... 39 Development of technology of automatic submerged arc welding of armor steels ..................................................... 44 BRIEF INFORMATION News ..................................................................................... 46 Pub l Founders: E. r Inte O . Pa iona a n ton Ele t ctr l A ssocia t ic W e lding Institute l ion «W e of the ding» NA S of Ukr a ine Kriken Editorial b o ard: t I.V., Krivtsu Lobanov L.M., Pashchin N.A Poletaev Yu.V n I.V International editorial c ounc il: isher: Inte r n a t iona l A ssocia t ion «W e l ding» Demchenko V.F h Mik oduj O.L Ignatenko A.V., Pokhodnya I.K., Paltsevich A.P Sinyuk V.S Promotion group: Kl Translators:or: Elec Edi t tron galley: EInte . P a o tonnal A E l 11, Bozhenko str., 0 .O rnati e x:T a E-mai h l. (: 3 ( 8044) a ://www.n ssoc i 38044) ttpU Address: 368 ati 0 ectric Weld 200 82 77 , in F l: journal@paton.ki s.gov.u o Kyiv, U g In n «We stitu t RL: www.ru ldi k ngraine », e, 200 81 45 .ru e v.ua a/p con t Subscriptions: impel A Varlamov D.P., Dedeshko V.N., Kanajkin V.A Steklov O.I Pismenny A.S., Prokofiev A.S., Gubatyuk R.S., Pismenny A.A., Polukhin V.V., Yukhimenko R.V Gavrik A.R w j Kol Yashnik A.N da V.N e Poznyakov V.D., Barvinko A.Yu., Barvinko Yu.P., Sineok A.G
MODELLING OF PROCESSES OF HEAT-, MASSAND ELECTRIC TRANSFER IN COLUMN AND ANODE REGION OF ARC WITH REFRACTORY CATHODE I.V. KRIKENT1, I.V. KRIVTSUN2 and V.F. DEMCHENKO2 1Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine 2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine Numerical analysis of thermal, electromagnetic and gas-dynamic characteristics of plasma of free-burning arc in argon at atmospheric pressure with tungsten cathode and copper water-cooled anode was performed in the anode region and column of welding arc based on self-consistent mathematic model of processes of heat-, mass- and electric transfer. Results of calculation of current density on the anode and heat flow in the anode are compared with the available experimental data. It is shown that considering of the anode potential drop in the model provides more accurate predictions of the characteristics of heat and electric interaction of arc plasma with anode surface. Keywords: fusion welding, electric arc, refractory cathode, arc characteristics, modelling of heat-, mass- and electric transfer Information about thermal, electric and dynamic effects of arc on welded metal is necessary for efficient application of the electric arc as a heat source in fusion welding. Investigation of welding arcs using the mathematic modelling methods [1—8] seems to be relevant since experimental determination of characteristics of the welding arc important from technological point of view such as density of electric current and heat flow over the surface of welded part is complicated due to high values of temperature of arc plasma and metal surface temperature, small geometry of region of arc fixation and series of other factors. Let us consider the electric arc with refractory cathode burning in inert gas at atmospheric pressure. The main attention will be given to the processes taking place in a column and anode region of the arc since theory and mathematic models of cathode phenomena, including processes in a near-cathode plasma, were developed in sufficient details for such an arc [9—12]. Study [13] proposed a self-consistent mathematic model of indicated processes for conditions of nonconsumable electrode welding and plasma welding. The aim of the present work is a verification of given model by means of numerical investigation of distributed characteristics of plasma of column and anode region of a free-burning arc with tungsten cathode and copper water-cooled anode and comparison of obtained results with available experimental data. Two interconnected models are included in the self-consistent mathematic model of the processes of energy-, mass- and electric transfer in the column and anode region of the welding arc with refractory cathode in accordance with approach applied in [13]: © I.V. KRIKENT, I.V. KRIVTSUN and V.F. DEMCHENKO, 2012 2 3/2012 • model of arc column describing interaction of thermal, electromagnetic, gas-dynamic and diffusion processes in multicomponent plasma of the arc column; • model of anode region which allows determining characteristics of thermal and electric interaction of arc with anode surface (part), necessary for analysis of thermal, electromagnetic and hydro-dynamic processes in welded metal. Model of the anode region of arc with evaporating anode proposed in study [13] allows calculating distribution of anode potential drop Ua = —Δϕ along the anode surface and density of heat flow qa, being entered in the anode by arc, depending on current density on the anode ja, temperature of electrons of plasma near the anode Tea as well as temperature of its surface Ts. Distribution of ja and Tea along the anode surface can be determined with sufficient accuracy in modelling of the arc with refractory cathode based on the model of arc column with self-consistent boundary conditions on the anode. Comparison of calculation value Δϕ with one experimentally measured for the case of application of the arc with tungsten cathode and copper water-cooled anode burning in argon at atmospheric pressure (arc current 200 A, 10 mm length) was carried out for verification of conformity of selected model of anode processes. The following experimental data [14, 15] were used in calculations: ja = 3.5⋅106 A/m2, Tea = = 9840 K, Ts = 720 K, that provides Δϕ = 4.04 V. Obtained calculation value complies with experimentally measured Δϕ = 4.01 V [15] with high accuracy. Figures 1 and 2 show applied in further calculation dependencies of Δϕ and qa on temperature of electrons in the near-anode plasma and density of electric current on the anode for the free-burning argon arc with refractory cathode and copper water-cooled anode.