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Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке)

Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) №3 2013 (954,80 руб.)

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АннотацияЕжеквартальный информационно-аналитический бюллетень «Экономика Узбекистана» это единственное в стране издание: выпускается ежеквартально на трех языках: узбекском, русском, английском; представляет комплексный, системный анализ осуществляемых экономических преобразований, складывающихся тенденций социально-экономической трансформации и модернизации в стране в максимально доступной форме. Издание особенно полезно в ситуациях, когда нужно не просто владеть цифрами, но и знать причину их происхождения, понимать, почему в экономике страны формируются те или иные тенденции; где широко представлена статистическая информация из различных министерств и ведомств, зачастую не публикуемая в одном издании. Эта отраслевая и региональная статистика, статистика по труду, банковская и бюджетная статистика, статистика по рынку ценных бумаг и малому предпринимательству в динамике за ряд лет как в абсолютных и относительных значениях.
Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) .— : Центр экономических исследований .— 2013 .— №3 .— 88 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/193510 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISSN2091-5071 Uzbekistan Economic Trends Information and Analytical Bulletin for January-September 2013 Tashkent – 2013 Economic_of_Uzbekistan_Tico_04.indd 1 16.01.2014 15:49:15 Editorial Board D.R. Turdiev A.Ya. <...> The economic growth was supported by state budget surplus which accounted for 0.2% of GDP and positive foreign trade balance valued at over USD 1 billion. <...> Source: State Statistics Committee 4 The measures aimed at creation of new jobs, promotion of consumer demand, diversification of the economic sector and improved business environment brought about steady growth of real aggregate income of the population by 15.9%, which, in its turn, resulted in 14.7% growth in retail trade turnover and 13% growth in paid services. <...> Besides, deposits of the population at commercial banks grew by 1.3-fold. <...> The following factors were key factors for preserving high and stable social and economic growth: macroeconomics / ECONOMIC GROWTH Economic_of_Uzbekistan_Tico_04.indd 4 16.01.2014 15:49:15 • more profound structural transformations in industrial sectors. <...> As a result, the share of the industrial sector in GDP growth rose from 12.5% in the 9-month period of 2012 to 17.6% in 2013. • active investment policy and attraction of foreign investment focused at accelerated modernization, technical and technological renovation of existing enterprises and creation of relevant business environment. <...> The share of foreign investment and loans absorbed by production sector grew by 12.4%; • support to enterprises-exporters and expanded export of goods, including by broader localization in production of spare parts, expanded product mix, increased export of goods and services. <...> As a result, the volume of goods and services grew by 13% compared to the corresponding 2012 level; • accelerated development of small business and service sector. <...> Total volume of communication and informatization services grew by 23.2%. <...> INVESTMENT In January-September 2013 the volume of investment from all funding sources totaled UZS 19 trillion 300 billion, which is by 12.5% higher than the indicator for the corresponding period of 2012. <...> The share of non-centralized sources equaled 80.1% against 78.8% in January-September 2012. <...> In January-September 2013 investment from own funds of enterprises accounted for UZS 5,925.4 billion which exceeded by 11.8% the level of the previous year. <...> The share in total investment remained 30.7%. <...> The volume of investment including the earlier appropriated funds totaled USD <...>
ISSN2091-5071 UZBEKISTAN ECONOMIC TRENDS Information and Analytical Bulletin for January-September 2013 Tashkent – 2013 Economic_of_Uzbekistan_Tico_04.indd 1 16.01.2014 15:49:15
Editorial Board D.R. Turdiev A.Ya. Khaydarov M.М. Mirzaev A.A. Abduhakimov А.А. Khaitov Chief Editor B.M. Eshonov Deputy Chief Editor J.A. Fattakhova Project Coordinator Kh.M. Muradova Advisors O.Z. Gaybullayev U.A.Abdullajonov Technical Assistance N. Shamukhamedov Translator Z.Kh. Zaitova Section Coordinators: F.F. Nasriddinov ................................................... (section 1.1, 1.3) D.R. Abduazizov .................................................. (section 1.2, 1.4) J.R. Sidikov .......................................................... (section 2.1) A.Ya. Khaydarov .................................................. (section 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) M.A. Mirsadikov .................................................. (section 2.5) E.S. Akulova ........................................................ (section 2.6) E.M. Mukhitdinov, A.Ikramov .............................. (section 3) V.V. Baturina, S.V. Abdurakhmonhujaev ............... (section 4) T.M. Akhmedov, H.M. Saidakhmedov ................. (section 5) The publication has been produced with support of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency and Japan International Cooperation Agency © Center for Economic Research © TIKA ©JICA Economic_of_Uzbekistan_Tico_04.indd 2 16.01.2014 15:49:15
C ONTENT S 1. Macroeconomics 1.1. Economic Growth ................................................................................................ 1.2. Investment .......................................................................................................... 4 5 1.3. Foreign Trade ....................................................................................................... 7 1.4. Prices and Inflation .............................................................................................. 8 1.5. Demography and Employment ........................................................................... 9 1.6. Statistical Annex .................................................................................................. 11 2. Financial Sector 2.1. Public Finances .................................................................................................... 22 2.2. Monetary Policy .................................................................................................. 23 2.3. Banking Sector .................................................................................................... 26 2.4. Currency Policy .................................................................................................... 28 2.5. Insurance Market ................................................................................................ 30 2.6. Securities Market ............................................................................................... 31 2.7. Statistical Annex .................................................................................................. 34 3. Sectors of Economy 3.1. Industry ............................................................................................................... 41 3.2. Agrarian sector .................................................................................................... 43 3.3. Transport and Transport Communications .......................................................... 45 3.4. Services ............................................................................................................... 47 3.5. Statistical Annex .................................................................................................. 50 4. Small Entrepreneurship 4.1. Trends in Development of Small Entrepreneurship ............................................ 60 4.2. Help for Entrepreneurs. Registration of entrepreneurs via Internet ................... 62 4.3. Statistical Annex .................................................................................................. 67 5. Regions 5.1. Development of Regions ..................................................................................... 69 5.2. Statistical Annex .................................................................................................. 73 6. New Research Works of the CER 6.1. Uzbekistan Auto Industry: Sources of Growth Outside the Sector ........................... 77 6.2. Transport Sector: Tariff Reductions as a Means to Economic Growth ................ 82 Infographics ............................................................................................................................. 86 Economic_of_Uzbekistan_Tico_04.indd 3 16.01.2014 15:49:15