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Grammar for students to understand business English. Ч.3 (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторКурченко
АвторыЕрмолова О.В.
Издательствоизд-во ЛКИ
АннотацияУчебное пособие содержит тексты, лексические и функционально-смысловые таблицы, лексико-грамматические упражнения для самостоятельной работы студентов с текстами, ситуативные упражнения.
Кому рекомендованодля студентов экономических специальностей
Курченко, Л.Л. Grammar for students to understand business English. Ч.3 : Учеб. пособие / О.В. Ермолова; Л.Л. Курченко .— : изд-во ЛКИ, 2007 .— 145 с. — 145с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/145433 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Mergers, takeovers and sell-offs X.Capital, interest and profit XI. <...> Activity Unit 3.Money and banking system I.Starting-up II. <...> Introduction of banking and financial markets V.Money: real and counterfeit VI. <...> Types of payments in foreign trade IV. <...> The world bank V.Activity Literature UNIT 1. <...> Use these words in the suitable blanks in the sentences below: Put one of the given words in each sentence. production, economize, productivity, economic, produce, economy, product, economical, productive, producer, economics 1. <...> A person's or organization's finances are the money they have and how it is managed, etc. <...> If something is economical, it is cheap to buy, to use or to do. <...> Economic indicators (see В, С and D below) are figures showing how well a country's economy (economic system) is working. <...> B. Inflation and unemployment Inflation is rising prices, and the rate at which they are rising is the inflation rate. <...> The level of unemployment is the number of people without a job. <...> Gross domestic product or GDP is the value of all the goods and services produced in a particular country. <...> The size of an economy is also sometimes measured in terms of gross national product or GNP. <...> TRADE of export Yahoo! have SURPLUS INTERNET over imports increased JUMPS TO EXPLOSION has gone up greatly in RECORD CONTINUES quickly. value. <...> VW PROFITS UP AS = Profits in prices are VW have PRICES SET TO CAR SALES going to rise increased SKYROCKET CONTINUE TO by a lot. thanks to SURGE rapidly rising car sales. <...> B. Going down You also use a number of verbs to describe amounts or figures going down. = A defence = Sales in shops 7. 1,000 JOBS 10. company has told SEPTEMBER have fallen a lot AXED AS 1,000 factory DEFENCE RETAIL SALES in September. employees that PLANT PLUMMET they are to lose CLOSES their jobs. = The ECB has = The 8. <...> GOVERNreduced interest government has CENTRAL MENT rates. reduced income BANK CUTS SLASHES RATE IN SURPRISE MOVE 9. <...> EURO share price has DIVES TO NEW currency has <...>