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Mrs. Beeton's cookery book and household guide (290,00 руб.)

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Первый авторBeeton
ИздательствоWard Lock and Co.
Beeton, Mrs. Mrs. Beeton's cookery book and household guide : containing recipes for every kind of cookery : hints and advice in household management : plans of household work, recipes for servants : how to purchase, table of prices and seasons of provisions : American and colonial cookery and recipes : continental cookery and recipes : vegetarian cookery and recipes : menus for all seasons and for all meals : the serving of all meals : laying the cloth-folding serviettes - decoration of table : trussing of poultry and game, with sketches from life : new recipes for luncheon dishes : new recipes for tinned and preserved meats : new recipes for bread, buns, small savouries & confectionery : new coloured plates, full-page and other illustrations / Mrs. Beeton .— New and greatly enlarged edition .— : Ward Lock and Co., 1890 .— 317 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/129708 (дата обращения: 16.07.2024)

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