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Pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology: general nosology: training manual

Автор: Krasnikov Vladimir
Медицина ДВ

The manual was prepared in accordance with the requirements of FSES and modern programs on the pathophysiology o f medical universities. The manual contains materials on the subject, goals and objectives of pathophysiology, its significance and place in educational training o f students. A modern interpretation of general nosology and its categories is given (health, norm, pre-disease, disease, pathological process, typical pathological process, etc.). The role of reactivity, resistance and constitution of the organism, their positive and negative sides in pathology are considered. The manual is illustrated (drawings, tables), sufficient in volume for the development of the basis of the competence of the doctor to solve their professionalproblems. The manual is intended for students o f medical schools, may be useful to interns, residents, graduate students and doctors of various specialties. The tutorial is compiled on “Pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology” discipline, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and is intended for students pursuing specialist’s programs «General Medicine» as a study guide for use in educational institutions that implement the main professional educational programs of higher education at the level of a specialty for the training program 31.05.01 «General Medicine».

Предпросмотр: Pathophysiology, clinical pathophysiology general nosology training manual.pdf (0,3 Мб)