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Архитектура и строительство на иностранных языках (сводная)

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Прикладная экономика

Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики: М.

Учебник создан с учетом требований федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования, а также образовательных стандартов, принятых в НИУ ВШЭ. Материал учебника позволяет не только развивать и совершенствовать языковые и общеакадемические умения и навыки, но и формировать языковую компетентность, лежащую в основе будущей профессиональной деятельности. Для успешного освоения материала необходимо владение английским языком на уровне В2.

Предпросмотр: Прикладная экономика учебник по английскому языку = Applied Economics Study Pack.pdf (0,1 Мб)

The Epic Struggle of the Internet of Things

Автор: Sterling Bruce
Стрелка Пресс: М.

If the hype is to be believed then the next big thing is the Internet of Things. But is it what you think it is? Because the Internet of Things is not about things on the internet. A world in which all our household gadgets can communicate with each other may sound vaguely useful, but it’s not really for us consumers. The Internet of Things serves the interests of the technology giants, in their epic wrangles with each other. And it is they who will turn the jargon of «smart cities» and «smart homes» into a self-fulfilling prophesy. In this piercing and provocative essay, Bruce Sterling tells the story of an idea that just won’t go away because there’s too much money to be made and a whole world to control.

Предпросмотр: The Epic Struggle of the Internet of Things = Эпическая борьба за «Интернет вещей».pdf (0,2 Мб)

Make it real. Architecture as enactment

Автор: Jacob Sam
Стрелка Пресс: М.

With each successive style or movement, redundant forms and technologies are replaced and then re-enacted in the name of progress. Ideologies and fictions become forms. And then there is the stranger world still of actual replicas, such as Henry Ford’s Greenfield Village, where history is brought to life for didactic purposes. It can’t help it, architecture’s deepest instinct is to repeat, whether its columns, ceiling tiles or twin towers. Ours is a landscape of cover versions, copy and paste, rinse and repeat. In this polemical but also quizzical essay, Sam Jacob probes the architectural condition and wonders whether it’s all just an attempt to make what’s not real look real.

Предпросмотр: Make it real. Architecture as enactment = Архитектура как воссоздание.pdf (0,2 Мб)

Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? Memes, Design and Politics

Автор: Metahaven
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Metahaven is an Amsterdam-based design collective specialising in politics and aesthetics. Founded by Daniel van der Velden and Vinca Kruk, Metahaven’s work reflects political and social issues through research-driven design, and design-driven research. In 2010, Metahaven published Uncorporate Identity, a design anthology for our dystopian age, with Lars Müller Publishers. Vinca Kruk teaches editorial design at ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, Arnhem. Daniel van der Velden teaches design at Yale University, New Haven, and at the Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam.

Предпросмотр: Can Jokes Bring Down Governments Memes, Design and Politics = Могут ли шутки свергать правительства Мемы, дизайн и политика.pdf (0,3 Мб)

Edge city: Driving the periphery of Sao Paulo

Автор: McGuirk Justin
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Exploring the edge condition of São Paulo, Justin McGuirk analyses the different forms of dwelling available to its would-be citizens, and meets some of the people carving a life for themselves on the verge of this unforgiving metropolis. Driving anti-clockwise, we take a journey backwards in time, moving from cardboard favelas and hastily built tower blocks back to modernist social housing and the factory town built early in the last century. Is this a tale, as the Brazilian flag attests, of «order and progress»? Are the citizens of the periphery better off looking after themselves than in the hands of developers and the paternalistic state? Part road trip and part urban critique, this drive-by portrait makes the case that the city is best understood not by its centre but by its edge.

Предпросмотр: Edge city Driving the periphery of So Paulo = Город на грани. Поездка по окраинам Сан-Паулу.pdf (0,2 Мб)

Splendidly Fantastic: Architecture and Power Games in China

Автор: Lovell Julia
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Mao once called the Chinese «a blank sheet of paper», and the modernising that came with the Cultural Revolution treated cities much the same. But Mao’s destructive impulses were as nothing compared to the liberalised policies of his recent successors. China has undergone urbanisation on a scale never seen before — much of it speculative, some of it a brazen display of power. In this incisive analysis by the acclaimed Sinologist Julia Lovell, we get inside the politics of architecture and city-making in China. There is a colourful cast, from the Western starchitects rushing into the land of opportunity, to political dissidents such as Ai Weiwei, to rebellious residents singing defiantly as the bulldozers advance. In this trenchant critique of urban policy, Lovell wonders what good all this thrusting ambition will have been if the property bubble bursts.

Предпросмотр: Splendidly Fantastic Architecture and Power Games in China = Необычайно восхитительно архитектура и власть в Китае.pdf (0,3 Мб)

The dot-com city. Silicon valley urbanism

Автор: Lange Alexandra
Стрелка Пресс: М.

On their bland campuses, the likes of Apple, Google and Facebook dominate the world, removed from the mess and the prying eyes of the real city. But while their products are discussed endlessly, their urbanism has rarely been. So what does it look like? To date, the Silicon Valley campus has served as a backdrop to many a sun-kissed founder photoshoot, but there is little understanding of the distinctive urban personality that separates the village of Facebook from the town of Google, or the truly urban Twitter (which recently decided to move to San Francisco’s notoriously un-gentrifiable Tenderloin). This investigation of the private towns of Silicon Valley examines the tech campus as a typology and attempts to discover what urban design says about companies we think we know.

Предпросмотр: The dot-com city. Silicon valley urbanism = Города-доткомы. Урбанизм Кремниевой долины.pdf (0,1 Мб)

Dark matter and trojan horses. A strategic design vocabulary

Автор: Hill Dan
Стрелка Пресс: М.

We live in an age of sticky problems, whether it’s climate change or the decline of the welfare state. With conventional solutions failing, a new culture of decision-making is called for. Strategic design is about applying the principles of traditional design to «big picture» systemic challenges such as healthcare, education and the environment. It redefines how problems are approached and aims to deliver more resilient solutions. In this short book, Dan Hill outlines a new vocabulary of design, one that needs to be smuggled into the upper echelons of power. He asserts that, increasingly, effective design means engaging with the messy politics — the «dark matter» — taking place above the designer’s head. And that may mean redesigning the organization that hires you.

Предпросмотр: Dark matter and trojan horses. A strategic design vocabulary = Темная материя и троянские кони. Словарь стратегического дизайна.pdf (0,3 Мб)

Across the plaza. The public voids of the post-soviet city

Автор: Hatherley Owen
Стрелка Пресс: М.

The vast, proverbially windswept plazas built under «really existing socialism» from the 1920s to the 1980s are widely considered to be useless spaces, designed to intimidate or at least impress. Yet if they are only of use to those in power, why is it they have been used so successfully in protest? From Petrograd in 1917 to Independence Square in Kiev during the Orange Revolution, these spaces have become focuses for mass protest. Beginning in Berlin's Alexanderplatz, and taking in Warsaw, Ljubljana, Kharkov and Moscow, Owen Hatherley heads in search of revolt, architectural glory and horror. Along the way he encounters the more civic squares that replaced their authoritarian predecessors and finds that, paradoxically, the old centres of power are more conducive to dissent than these new, ostensibly democratic plazas.

Предпросмотр: Across the plaza. The public voids of the post-soviet city = На площади. В поисках общественных пространств постсоветского города.pdf (0,1 Мб)

The Design of Scarcity

Стрелка Пресс: М.

As growth was the defining condition of the 20th century, so scarcity is set to define the 21st. Already it pervades political discourse and shapes our reading of the economy and the environment. But scarcity is not just the inevitable result of growth and resource exploitation — every innovation results in new scarcities. Scarcity is constructed daily through the creation of desire, it is designed. The authors of this timely essay set out to establish a more sophisticated understanding of scarcity. Moving beyond the idea that lack and inequality are simply laws of nature, they argue that scarcity can be challenged. The message for architects and designers — experts in working with constraints — is that scarcity is a process, and one that can be productive. This essay asks us to throw out our simplistic Malthusian graphs and escape the stranglehold that scarcity has on our imaginations.

Предпросмотр: The Design of Scarcity = Дизайн дефицита.pdf (0,2 Мб)

Before and After. Documenting the Architecture оf Disaster

Автор: Weizman Eyal
Стрелка Пресс: М.

A nuclear facility in Iran before and after an explosion, a village in Pakistan before and after a drone attack, a Cambodian river valley before and after a flood. The before-and-after image has become the tool of choice for analysing events. Satellite photography allows us to scrutinise the impact of war or climate change, from the safe distance of orbit. But one thing is rarely captured: the event itself. All we can read is its effect on a space, and that's where the architectural expert is required, to fill the gap with a narrative. In this groundbreaking essay, Eyal and Ines Weizman explore the history of the before-and-after image, from its origins in 19th-century Paris to today's satellite surveillance. State militaries monitor us and humanitarian organisations monitor them. But who can see in higher resolution? Who controls the size of the pixels? Interpreting these images is never straightforward.

Предпросмотр: Before and After. Documenting the Architecture оf Disaster = До и после. Архитектура катастрофы и ее документация.pdf (0,2 Мб)

The Slum Outside

Автор: Echanove Matias
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Matias Echanove and Rahul Srivastava joined forces through their blog airoots/eirut in 2006. They have since written extensively on urban themes and are working on projects involving architecture, planning, pedagogy and technology. They run the Institute of Urbanology in Mumbai and Goa and are co-founders of urbz.net, an experimental platform for collaborative practice in urban development.

Предпросмотр: The Slum Outside = Трущобы снаружи.pdf (0,2 Мб)

The action is the form. Victor's Hugo's TED talk

Автор: Easterling Keller
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Space is a technology. Buildings and the cities they inhabit have become infrastructural — mobile, monetized networks. For the world's power players, infrastructure space is a secret weapon, and the rest of us are only just beginning to realize. If Victor Hugo came back to give a TED talk, he might assert that architecture, which he once claimed had been killed by the book, is reincarnate as something more powerful still — as information itself. If this space is a secret weapon, says Keller Easterling, it is a secret best kept from those trained to make space — architects. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs in economics, the social sciences, informatics and activism are developing what might be called spatial software as a political instrument to outwit politics as usual.

Предпросмотр: The action is the form. Victor's Hugo's TED talk = Действие есть форма. Выступление Виктора Гюго на конференции TED.pdf (0,1 Мб)

Less is Enough: on Architecture and Asceticism

Автор: Aureli Pier Vittorio
Стрелка Пресс: М.

«Less is more» goes the modernist dictum. But is it? In an age when we are endlessly urged to do «more with less», can we still romanticise the pretensions of minimalism? For Pier Vittorio Aureli, the return of «austerity chic» is a perversion of what ought to be a meaningful way of life. Charting the rise of asceticism in early Christianity and its institutionalisation with the medieval monasteries, Aureli examines how the basic unit of the reclusive life — the monk's cell — becomes the foundation of private property. And from there, he argues, it all starts to go wrong. By late capitalism, asceticism has been utterly aestheticised. It manifests itself as monasteries inspired by Calvin Klein stores, in the monkish lifestyle of Steve Jobs and Apple's aura of restraint. Amid all the hypocrisy, it must still be possible to reprise the idea of «less» as a radical alternative, as the first step to living the life examined.

Предпросмотр: Less is Enough on Architecture and Asceticism = Меньше — значит достаточно об архитектуре и аскетизме.pdf (0,2 Мб)