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The Controlled Molecular Magnetism of Mono-, Bi- and Polynuclear Complexes Based on Hydrazones, Azomethenes and its Analogues

Автор: Луков В. В.
Изд-во ЮФУ: Ростов н/Д.

The monography «The controlled molecular magnetism of mono-, bi-and polynuclear complexes based on hydrazones, azomethenes and its analogues» represents the encyclopedic edition reflecting the basic experimental - theoretical aspects concerning new scientific area-magnetochemistry of exchange-couple systems. Alongside with a statement of fundamental concepts of magnetism including features of isotropic and anisotropic exchange interaction, and the theory of spin transitions, the central part of the monography is devoted to the analysis of magnetochemistry’s opportunities at the description of a structure and properties of bi- and tetranuclear complexes as well as supramolecular architectures based mainly on hydrazones, azomethenes and their analogues. The interrelation between features of an electronic and geometrical structure of complexes and character of exchange effects is considered, the magneto-structural correlations in the important modelling objects for directed design of one, two and threedimensional magneto-ordered structures have been revealed.

Предпросмотр: The Controlled Molecular Magnetism of Mono-, Bi- and Polynuclear Complexes Based on Hydrazones, Azomethenes and its Analogues.pdf (0,3 Мб)

The fundamentals of molecular magnetism

Автор: Lukov V. V.
Изд-во ЮФУ: Ростов н/Д.

Molecular magnetism occupies a crossing point between two fields of research -materials science and metal biochemistry – and plays an important role in the field of molecular electronics. The “Fundamentals of molecular magnetism” is the textbook to comprehensively address both the experimental and theoretical aspects of the relatively new field of research. It introduces the basic concepts concerning magnetization and magnetic susceptibility, establishes the fundamental equations of molecular magnetism and examines molecules containing a unique magnetic center, including the highspin -low-spin transition compounds. The textbook highlights polymetallic species, reviews the phenomenon of interaction between spin carriers from a theoretical point of view and includes numerous examples throughout to illustrate the topics discussed. An essential part of the textbook is devoted to novel class of magneto active materials -single molecular magnets (SMMs).

Предпросмотр: The fundamentals of molecular magnetism (Основы молекулярного магнетизма) на английском языке.pdf (0,3 Мб)