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ХИМИЯ. КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ. МИНЕРАЛОГИЯ (Химические производства - см. 66)

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Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Terms and Problems in Tests: In 2 parts. Part 1. Terms and Examples in Tasks

Автор: Petrova T.

The Part 1 of the study guide contains the dictionary of terms, task examples with detailed comments and tasks for self-control on the main topics of General Chemistry.

Предпросмотр: Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Terms and Problems in Tests In 2 parts. Part 1. Terms and Examples in Tasks Study guide.pdf (0,2 Мб)

Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Terms and Problems in Tests: In 2 parts. Part 2. Final examination tests

Автор: Petrova T.

The Part 2 of the study guide contains variants of individual test tasks for monitoring the results of students learning upon completion of the discipline «General and Inorganic Chemistry».

Предпросмотр: Fundamentals of General Chemistry. Terms and Problems in Tests In 2 parts. Part 2. Final examination tests Study guide.pdf (0,2 Мб)


Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop a simple and accurate way to measure vitamin D levels. Vitamin D nowadays is measured by a variety of methods which their common drawbacks are expensive equipment and the need for high trained technical staff. In this research we measured vitamin D levels by means of Fourier transform infra red method in conjugation with the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique, in order to develop a simpler vitamin D measurement method. Methods: Blood samples were collected from patients with vitamin D deficiency at five intervals before and up to 16 days after they took a dose of 200,000 IU vitamin D3. Samples were measured by the conventional bio-chemical method and by the evanescent wave spectroscopy means. Results: Correlation was found between the vitamin D levels measured by the traditional method and by the evanescent wave spectroscopy technique. The absorption lines occurred prominently in the IR spectral regions of the Amide I (≈1650 cm−1),Amide II (≈1530 cm−1) and the (≈3400 cm−1) absorption band which is attributed to the hydroxyl group indicated by the O-H stretch. In addition, the examination of the blood samples using the evanescent wave spectroscopy with clustering techniques facilitated the discrimination between vitamin D deficiency and normal vitamin D levels. Practical relevance: This study demonstrates the potential of using the Fourier transform infra red method in conjugation with the evanescent wave spectroscopy techniquecoupled with multivariate analysis as a nonexpensive, rapid and accurate alternative to the routine methodologies.