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Development of Provisions for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Passenger Transport Systems // Transport Problems: X International Scientific Conference, Katowice, 27-29 июня 2018 г. - Silesian University of Technology, 2018. - P. 529-544


The article defines the urgency of developing scientifically sound solutions and effective tools in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the public passenger transport system. The work presents a methodology that allows evaluate the effectiveness of the system in accordance with accepted standards in terms of the three components of the "passenger-carrier-department" system, taking into account the interests of each side. To develop a methodology for the evaluation of the effectiveness of passenger enterprises, a model of indexation is used, where the whole set of carefully selected indicators is converted from absolute values to relative ones. The article presents a classification model for the formation of a basic system of indicators for passenger enterprise and a functional scheme for grouping and ranking them. The developed tool can be used for evaluating the public passenger transport systems, its application is illustrated by examples.