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Русская художественная литература

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“The European Plot” in the Russian Literary Tradition at the End of the 17th Century

Автор: Shunkov

The paper analyses the notes of Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, general ёeld marshal, the diplomat of Peter I era, about his travel to Europe. These notes are a monument of the Russian ёction at the turn of the 17th–18th centuries. The composition allows answering the following questions about the process of a ёctionalization of documentary books in Russia in a transition period of developing Russian literature; what new subjects, plots, motives deёne literary process; how the position of those who made a book monument changed. The author pays special attention to the description of the literary methods used by B.P. Sheremetev. They helped to create a new image of Europe in Russian ёction at the end of the 17th century and presented Russian people a bright and interesting world. The paper is aimed at experts in the ёeld of Medieval studies, the historians of literature who are engaged in studying the problem of forming and developing the genre system in a transition period of Russian literature (the second half of the 17th – the beginning of the 18th century).


“Story of King Leo” and the Parable Tradition to the Memory of Supervisor E.K. Romodanovskaya

Автор: Shunkov

The transition period era (the second half of the 17th-beginning of the 18th century) demonstrated multiple examples of the tradition substitution process, of transformation of the Russian literature genre system, of forming a new artistic paradigm, determining a new understanding of the author’s task. In such transformation process special attention is given to the new narrative style, which becomes a milestone of its era: the parable story. The parable story that appeared in Russian narrative tradition at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries caused the idea of a new way of perception demonstrated by the reader able to evaluate a ёctional plot. The article presents an analysis of Russian ёctional story, deёned in genre as a parable story. In the analysis of the story, the role of parable tradition manifests itself in the construction of the plot, in the images of the protagonists. The relevance of the article is determined by existence of a separate area of research engaged with the study of the narrative tradition in Russian literature of the transition period.