Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637390)

Introduction to Nanotechnology (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторTimoshina Y.
АвторыVoznesensky E. , Karimullin I. , Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т
АннотацияThe basic concepts and definitions, the history of the development of nanotechnology, their potential and development prospects are considered. The classification of nanomaterials is presented, the structural features of nanomaterials, size effects, and properties of nanoobjects are considered. The main approaches and technologies for producing nanomaterials, methods for studying nanoscale structures are presented, the diagnostic features and metrology problems in the field of nanotechnology are considered.
Кому рекомендованоDesigned for bachelors and masters studying for degrees in «Nanoengineering» and «Materials Science and Materials Technology».
Timoshina, Y. Introduction to Nanotechnology = [Введение в нанотехнологии] : tutorial / E. Voznesensky, I. Karimullin; Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т; Y. Timoshina .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2021 .— 84 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-7882-3078-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/822633 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 620.5(075) Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Ph.D. in Engineering M. Salyakhova Executive Director, Ferry Watt LLC Y. Zhelonkin Timoshina Y. Introduction to Nanotechnology : tutorial / Y. Timoshina, E. Voznesensky, I. Karimullin; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2021. – 84 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-3078-8 The basic concepts and definitions, the history of the development of nanotechnology, their potential and development prospects are considered. The classification of nanomaterials is presented, the structural features of nanomaterials, size effects, and properties of nano-objects are considered. The main approaches and technologies for producing nanomaterials, methods for studying nanoscale structures are presented, the diagnostic features and metrology problems in the field of nanotechnology are considered. Designed for bachelors and masters studying for degrees in "Nanoengineering" and "Materials Science and Materials Technology". Prepared at the Department of Plasma Chemistry and Nanotechnology of High Molecular Materials. UDC 620.5(075) ISBN 978-5-7882-3078-8 © Y. Timoshina, E. Voznesensky, I. Karimullin, 2021 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2021 2
CONTENT INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3 1. NANOTECHNOLOGIES AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELD OF ACTIVITY ....................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Basic concepts and definitions ...................................................................... 4 1.2. History of the development of nanotechnology ............................................ 8 1.3. The interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology ......................................... 11 1.4. Potential and development prospects of nanotechnology ........................... 13 2.STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS ........................ 18 2.1. Classification of nanomaterials ................................................................... 18 2.2. Structural features of nanomaterials ........................................................... 23 2.3. Dimensional properties and effects of nanomaterials ................................. 27 3. OBTAINING NANOSIZED STRUCTURES .................................................. 31 3.1. Basic approaches to obtaining nanomaterials ............................................. 36 3.2. Atomic molecular assembly ....................................................................... 39 3.3. Processes of self-organization and self-assembly, epitaxial growth .......... 43 3.4. Methods of mechanical dispersion ............................................................. 46 3.5. Physical dispersion methods ....................................................................... 53 3.6. Chemical dispersion methods ..................................................................... 58 4. NANOSIZED STRUCTURES STUDYING METHODS ............................... 63 4.1. Features of the diagnosis of nanoobjects and problems of metrology ........ 63 4.2. Methods of microscopy .............................................................................. 66 4.3. Spectral research methods .......................................................................... 71 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 76 LITERATURE ...................................................................................................... 80 82

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