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Color problems (290,00 руб.)

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Первый авторVanderpoel Emily Noyes
ИздательствоLongmans Green a. co.
Vanderpoel, E.N. Color problems / by Emily Noyes Vanderpoel; E.N. Vanderpoel .— : Longmans Green a. co., 1902 .— 383 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/84679 (дата обращения: 12.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

COLOR PROBLEMS COLOR PROBLEMS А PRACTICAL MANUAL FOR THE LAY STUDENT OF COLOR By EMILY NOYES VANDERPOEL WITH ONE HUNDRED AND SEIVINTEEN COLORED PLATES «г, LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK LONDON AND BOMBAY‘ 1 902 Copyright, 1901, by EMILY News VANDERPOEL. <...> All r:_'g‘/A15 „мыт. gmumrz m flibnzcbifl Шип BOSTON, U.S.A. My Fxztber WILLIAM CURTIS NOYES PREFACE ROM a scientific standpoint admirable works on color have been Written, but tl1ey demand more time and study tl1an many can give to them, and are too theoretical to be easily understood; While those Written from an artistic standpoint may be useful to those who paint pictures but are not of much benefit to larger classes of people who are artists in other occupations. <...> Painters of pictures must study color as well as lines and composition; but a better understanding of color would also be of great Value to decorators, designers, lithographers, florists, dressmakers, and milliners; women in their dress and home decoration, and many others. <...> For such, to combine the essential results of the scientific and artistic study of color in a concise, practical manual, and to classify the study of color in individual eyes, in light, in history and in nature, has been the aim of the author of this book. <...> Also, as color ЧП viii PREFACE cannot be fully appreciated by any Written (lescription, the text has been made as brief as possible, the plates full and elaborate. <...> It has been asked by artists who have given years of study to form, perspective and composition, why it should be necessary to study color if one has a good eye for it, to which another question may serve as answer. <...> Suppose a person intending to make art his life work has a good eye for form, will he, therefore, begin to paint pictures before learning to draw, or Without going through a thorough drill in perspective? <...> E. N. V. INTRODUCTION OR some years I have known of the study and research the author of this book has devoted to problems in Color, and its uses in the arts of Design and Decoration, and it is gratifying to me that the result <...>

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