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Кровельные и изоляционные материалы

Кровельные и изоляционные материалы №5 2019 (535,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2005 г. Журнал публикует материалы по темам: различные виды кровельных материалов, применяемых в современном строительстве изоляционные и герметизирующие материалы тепло-, звуко-, и акустические материалы фасадные теплоизоляционные системы современное оборудование в технологии производства эффективных кровельных и изоляционных материалов особенности производства работ с применением новых видов кровельных и изоляционных материалов
Кровельные и изоляционные материалы .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2019 .— №5 .— 62 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/652209 (дата обращения: 23.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y Сonstruction industry in focus (p. 4). MATERIALS of walls and partitions in an apartment? Аrticle deals with the solutions that can signifiKernik A.G. How to make sound insulation cantly reduce the noise level that penetrates from the street or neighboring rooms (p. 10). Kiseleva O.A., Malyshkov A.V. The influence of a three-layer panel design on its strength This article analyzes the influence of a threelayer panel design with a sheathing from OSB boards and the thickness of the polystyrene foam layer on the mechanical properties. The optimal options for panels with different thicknesses of insulation were selected and the thermotechnical calculation of the optimal design was given (p.14). С О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса .............................................. 4 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Керник А.Г. Как правильно сделать звукоизоляцию стен и перегородок в квартире? ....................................................... 10 Киселева О.А., Малышков А.В. Влияние конструкции трехслойной панели на ее прочность ....................................... 14 Cолнечные панели или фотогальваническая черепица: что выбрать? .................................................................................... 17 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Побединский В.В., Попов А.И. Конструктивное решение покрытия на основании из ребристых плит ............................. 19 Появятся ли на крышах домов солнечные панели-хамелеоны? .................................................................. 23 Зачем нужен капельник для крыши и как его установить? .......... 24 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Константин Козетов. Теплый пол в несколько шагов: инструкция по применению экологичной теплоизоляции ....... 26 Расчет балки на прогиб – формулы и инструкция ...................... 28 Протасов В.П., Калинин В.М., Аверин Б.Н. Исследования влияния температурно-влажностного режима чердачных помещений со скатными металлическими кровлями на процесс образования наледей и сосулек ................................. 31 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Редько Ю.Б. К вопросу о звукоизоляции стеновых панелей ....... 34 Алиса Панкратова. Тот, кто живет на крыше ................................ 38 Екатерина Литвинцева. Редевелопмент по китайски: как MAD Architects изменит Милан .......................................... 42 Ирина Орлова. Плоские кровли: что нового?.............................. 44 Solar panels or photo galvanized roof tiles: what to choose? Paper is about the environmental products and solutions are becoming increasingly relevant in the global construction industry. Given the novelty of green building materials, it may not be easy to choose the right components to meet your requirements, especially considering LEED and BREEAM certification (p. 17). EQUIPMENT Pobedinsky V.V., Popov A.I. The design soarranging coatings based on ribbed plates. The analysis of the existing roofing structures is carried out, the disadvantages, features are shown and the fundamental requirements for a new structural solution are determined. A design scheme with the necessary nodes and a roofing device technology were developed (p. 19). Article is about the issues of designing and Will chameleon solar panels appear on the roofs of the houses? The note informs about the new project of the lution of the coating on the basis of ribbed plates American start-up Sistine Solar, which created adaptive solar panels, which according to the developers can show an arbitrary image (p. 23). how to install it? The article details the types of droppers and TECHNOLOGIES steps: instructions for the use of eco-friendly thermal insulation Konstantin Kozetov. Warm floor in a few Getting up in the morning «from that foot» is easy if the bedroom has a floor that literally Why does one need a drip for the roof and materials from which they are made, as well as installation technologies (p. 24).
s u m m a r y makes the morning warm. Residents of multiapartment residential complexes, as a rule, do not need to think about floor insulation, but for frame house owners this issue is relevant. The answer to it can be an effective, economical and quick to implement solution – installing a warm floor on the logs – bars installed under the finish coating (p. 26). Calculation of the beam on the bend – formulas and instructions Paper is devoted to modern construction methods for calculating bar (beam) structures for strength and rigidity, which make it possible to determine the deflection value and draw a conclusion about the possibility of operating a building structure already at the design stage (p. 28). tigation of the influence of the temperaturehumidity regime of attic rooms with pitched metal roofs on the process of ice and icicles formation Protasov V.P., Kalinin V.M., Averin B.N. InvesI N T H I S I S S U E Authors ague that in order to study the influence of the temperature-humidity regime of attic rooms on the formation of ice on the roof, it’s necessary to construct mathematical models of heat fluxes in non-stationary and quasi-stationary conditions with a changing outside air temperature and pressure drop on the inner and outer surfaces of the enclosing structures (p. 31). INFORMATION Redko Yu.B. To the question about soundproofing wall panels On the basis of information analysis it is provided a methodology and there are obtained by means of experimental data acoustic wall panels depending on design, presence and type of fill material (p. 34). have already become the proud owner of a house or a flat-roofed garage, then it’s time to think: is there to create a delightful oasis, a cozy picnic area or an outdoor sports ground on the roof? (p. 38) Alice Pankratova. One who lives on the roof If you are at the construction stage, or perhaps Chinese: how MAD Architects team will change Milan Ekaterina Litvintseva. Redevelopment in that is relevant not only for Russian cities. Specialists from the Chinese bureau MAD Architects share about how to give a second life to the «rust belt» of Milan (p. 42). Redevelopment of industrial zones is a topic Irina Orlova. Flat roofs: what’s new? Paper deals with new technologies that can be used in the reconstruction of roofs of apartment buildings. The advantages of modern solutions are described (p. 44). Сonstruction industry in focus ........................................................ 4 MATERIALS Kernik A.G. How to make sound insulation of walls and partitions in an apartment? ......................................................... 10 Kiseleva O.A., Malyshkov A.V. The influence of a three-layer panel design on its strength ........................................................ 14 Solar panels or photo galvanized roof tiles: what to choose? ........... 17 EQUIPMENT Pobedinsky V.V., Popov A.I. The design solution of the coating on the basis of ribbed plates ........................................... 19 Will chameleon solar panels appear on the roofs of the houses? ..... 23 Why does one need a drip for the roof and how to install it? ........... 24 TECHNOLOGIES Konstantin Kozetov. Warm floor in a few steps: instructions for the use of eco-friendly thermal insulation............................... 26 Calculation of the beam on the bend – formulas and instructions ... 28 Protasov V.P., Kalinin V.M., Averin B.N. Investigation of the influence of the temperature-humidity regime of attic rooms with pitched metal roofs on the process of ice and icicles formation.......................................................................... 31 INFORMATION Redko Yu.B. To the question about soundproofing wall panels ........ 34 Alice Pankratova. One who lives on the roof .................................... 38 Ekaterina Litvintseva. Redevelopment in Chinese: how MAD Architects team will change Milan .............................. 42 Irina Orlova. Flat roofs: what’s new? ............................................... 44

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