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Энергобезопасность и энергосбережение  / №2 2017


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АннотацияFor countries that are faced with the need to balance sustainable and constant power generation against challenging climatic conditions, could a combination of new renewable power generation options and energy storage capabilities offer stability and reassurance in power supply for local communities? We believe energy storage is likely to spark a technical revolution in how renewables becomes a major contributor to the energy mix the world over
Jones, A. BATTERY STORAGE TO STOP POWER BLACKOUTS / A. Jones // Энергобезопасность и энергосбережение .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 31-33 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/597818 (дата обращения: 10.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

30 ЭНЕРГОРЕСУРСОСБЕРЕЖЕНИЕ И ЭНЕРГОЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ DOI 10.18635/2071-2219-2017-2-30-32 Battery storage to stop power blackouts Energy Services Manager, Australian Power Engineering division, Lloyd’s Register For countries that are faced with the need to balance sustainable and constant power generation against challenging climatic conditions, could a combination of new renewable power generation options and energy storage capabilities offer stability and reassurance in power supply for local communities? <...> We believe energy storage is likely to spark a technical revolution in how renewables becomes a major contributor to the energy mix the world over. <...> It depends on how decisions are made today on energy storage and management. <...> And, while such developments mean that a country’s power generation portfolio is becoming less carbon intense, the intermittent nature of renewables like wind and solar represents a major challenge for the transmission and distribution companies. <...> Norwegian gas and oil group Statoil, is installing what is believed to be the world’s first offshore wind farm battery system at the Hywind floating turbine project off the coast of Scotland. <...> Solar companies are also looking to energy storage, and it could be a game-changer for the way the power system works in certain markets [1]. <...> RES (Renewable Energy Systems), a UK-based company that builds wind and solar farms around the world, is already a leading storage supplier in the U.S. but it has successfully completed its first UK-based industrial-scale battery storage facility at a 1,5 MW solar park south of Glastonbury, in Somerset, UK. <...> RES has delivered the battery energy storage system (BESS) under an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for Western Power Distribution (WPD) as part of a project to explore the provision of ancillary services to a distribution network operator from an embedded battery energy storage system. <...> The 310 kVA/668 kWh battery storage system RES has delivered for WPD, at a British Solar Renewables (BSR) solar park, is one of the first such projects to be built under a fully wrapped EPC contract in Europe. <...> The combined solar-storage project is connected to WPD’s South West 11 <...>